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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Monday, April 16, 2007

I think I feel guilty now...

...because I just got a letter from Dear Abby that was actually signed by her. The stupid question that I made up will be on Abby's column...and probably soon. Here's the question that I sent her:

Dear Abby,

My sister and I have been arguing over something for 20 years. I say that when you're writing a word that starts with a "U", you should use the word "an" first as in, "I bought an uniform." My sister says that you should write it like you say it, "I bought a uniform." I think she's totally wrong and that "an" should be used whenever you use a word that begins with a vowel, even a "U". What do you think?


And here's the answer that she sent me:

Dear Meg,

According to Webster's New World Dictionary, "an" is now used before all words beginning with a vowel sound or a silent "h" (an ox, an honor). Older British usage favored "an" before the sound "yoo" (an union), but this is now nearly obsolete.

You are both right. Now kiss and make up!

All good wishes,


It's dated April 12, 2007 so I would look for it to be in her column soon, I signed it Meg so now I'll be curious to see if she uses, "Bickering Sisters" or something off the wall. When she runs my question, I'll stick a link to it on the blog. I couldn't figure out who would be writing to me from LA, I knew it wasn't my daughter, but I never expected it to be Dear Abby!

Whoda thunk it?


One guilty feeling blog author


Blogger Lara Croft said...

LOL Megs, thats precious !

April 16, 2007  

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