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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Friday, June 01, 2007

Good morning!

I did it! After trying for an hour, I have music as I write this. Music does put you in a good mood, doesn't it? Of course I'm not talking about heehaw music...I'm talking about normal music.

Good music makes me feel like dancing so I did. I've been dancing in my kitchen with such energy that you wouldn't know that I've just pulled a 12 hour shift. This is when I wish that I had a decent webcam. I have to get one of those really, really soon. OMG! Dancing Queen just came on...BRB.

Man, that was exhausting.

Alrighty then...what was I gonna say? Oh! First I wanted to show you one of the many, many, many assinine emails that I get from the most hideous wopig of all. This is indicative of the ilk of fucked up wench that Solaris has been dealing with:

Hi Horseface no body cares about yer feet or yer fucking self do yer think its funy what yer doin, HUH? do yer think its funny HUH?? Im axking yer a question HUH? I posted the bad blog about yer stupid JACKASS okay?? the point here is DONT mess AROUND and we wont mess witchoo and yer stupid CUNT dumb blogerFUCKbudies Do yer understand HUH??! Yer are to take the blog down NOW I SAID NOWWW!yer so stupid yer doan know nothin about any of dose stupid girls Kate is a moron and Lara is a cunt bitch. Solarisgal is the worse one and yer so stupid fer standing up for that stupid little twofaced bitch dont cha wanted to get recrooted by us? theys still time left fer yer nasty loking horseface dat matches with yer ugly feet biatch. Yer are to come wif us NOW and thiangs will be okie dokie.

I get one of these every day or two days. This is what comes on the days that the freak isn't acting like her own special brand of skank. Whatever...it's rather harmless so I just pay her no nevermind.

I'm in such a good mood right now. I wish I could go out dancing but I don't know of anyplace to go out dancing at 10 AM. That's one bitch of night work. You look pretty silly if you were to go out drinking (or even stay IN drinking) first thing in the morning. I tried it with my LPN from a unit that I worked on 20 years ago. She and I wanted to go out for a couple of beers one morning after we got done working. We went to a bunch of places...totally unaware that beer isn't sold and bars aren't open 24/7. We never noticed it because we had never tried it before. We couldn't find a bar or a restaurant that served drinks so once it turned 8 o'clock and the stores started selling beer, we bought a six-pack and drank it sitting on a big hill behind my junior high school. That was the hill we used to hide on when we cut class. There I was again, 27 years old and in a nurses uniform...drinking beer with my buddy.

I found an article about how peole change for "love". They specifically referred to the way that Brad Pitt changed his entire life for the homewrecking piece of rubbish that he's currently screwing as well as the way that Katie Holmes has changed her entire life to suit a spaced out nutcase. We all have to make small allowances, but people like these freaks, as well as Solarios' husband, fall prey to selfish fiends with some sort of sadistic control issues. The article said:

"But how many changes does a person really need to make a relationship work?

“It is necessary to make minor accommodations for the other person,” said Veshinski. “But relationships should be fair and balanced with each partner having an equal say.”
So perhaps the more a person changes to befit their beloved, the more likely it is the fervor will fizzle.

“Too many transformations made for the wrong reasons is quite often the downfall of a relationship,” Pina said. “If fear is driving any change, resentment and anger will build internally. When these negative emotions are buried alive inside of us, they poison and distort our view of the world.'"

I did it too. That's how I ended up in Gogia. I'll NEVER make that mistake again.

OK...my knees hurt from sitting in this stupid chair so I'm going to go sit on my recliner and enjoy some peace and quiet. Have a good one!


I found this and thought it was so good that you guys had to read it:


Sorry, I can't post it all on one line.


Blogger JQ75 said...

Since the police want physical evidence maybe these should be forwarded to Sol's police district and also the closest inpatient mental facility that serves where she lives.

Did you ever figure out where the ghetto spelling comes from, is she channeling a toddler personality?

I have mixed feelings, while the real names being called lends a strong understanding of just how mentally disturbed and dangerous this woman is, I hate to see people I care about with those hurtful names attached. It is very disturbing.

I have no doubt that something can be done. That people tell Solaris they can't do anything is just bullshit.

June 01, 2007  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

Hey pal, we need to take this conversation off the blog. I don't kinow why she does what she does, who can second guess an insane husband stealing Colleen Lombardi?

I don't even try...it would make as much sense as trying to understand why a baby shits in it's pants. You don't wonder why, you just get rid of the shit and carry on with your life.

Now, I am going out tonight...the nurse dude I work with and I are going out for a while...so I must go primp.

See ya later alligator!


June 01, 2007  
Blogger kissmekate said...

Oh Meg..... I gotta mention!

WOW! I feel honoured!

At least I am a moron with morals and not a wopig that can't spell!


June 02, 2007  
Blogger Lara Croft said...

Nutters are as useful as titts on a bull but far more entertaining.

I wonder if welfare have any idea how unstable these women are ?

June 02, 2007  

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