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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Apparently I have been mistaken for a married man...

...I can't figure out any other reason that Colleen Lombardi would be so obsessed with me. I hear from her every single day. Everything that I have to say to her...I say on this blog. It's the one place that I know she'll see whatever I write.

Last night I received this email out of the blue:


Someone called my old employer today trying to reach me - the number that was left for a return call was 678-598-5583 which shows as a landline in Atlanta GA - Were you trying to reach me? I do not know anyone else in Georgia so I figured it might be you - If you need to reach me, call me anytime - my cell is 917-567-1457 or my office 718-601-8354 or my home, 212-304-4541. If you are unable to reach me, you can always email me if you need to talk - Colleen

I see New York numbers on my caller ID...I never accused the wopig of calling me...I just assume that it's a different flake. Oh, and by the way, you'd be surprised how many people are down here in Georgia, way over 187. And most of them have phones. And, of course, the phones have numbers. So, I rest my case you silly quasi-female.

I understand why she harasses Solaris...that woman had the audacity to marry one of Colon's future purchases. Solaris became rather annoyed when she was betrayed in the worst way that one woman can betray another by Colon and she caused it herself by having a husband who lies like a rug, a spinless slug that just follows rainbows with a stupid look on his face. If she had kept Jeff away from other women, she wouldnt have this happening to her. So, naturally COLON would treat Solaris like dirt.

But what fun is it to taunt someone who can totally tune you out and ignore your ass? Oh well, go right ahead, email your vulgar venom...it's probably purgative of a lot of anger. And it only takes a split second to reject you.

Anyway, Colon must be lonely, what with being with a married man and having to live with the guilt and the knowledge that she is resonsible for the obliteration of a marraige. That's if she ever becomes a decnt person. Otherwise she'll never feel guilty...she'll just keep screwing men as easily as scratching her ass when it burns from lack of hygeine. (I did speak to someone who would know.)

Now I'm tired. I must crash and sleep right now. Ya'll be good now...ya' here?

See ya!


She needs a friend, call her.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know that person that you're talking about. She's the one who told me that Liz is screwing Harry at work. Liz and Cowleen (what we call her) are the office hoes.

Give her two drinks and she'll tell you all about Hudson View Construction and the soap opera that is the office. Once she told me that her boss cheats on his taxes! Can you believe that? Not that he would do it, that she would tell so many people about it. Oh well, lube her with beer and watch the jaw work.


May 30, 2007  
Blogger Eliza Doolittle said...

Meg - you don't have to publish this (I've lost your email and am too lazy to look) but I wrote today's post with you and Solaris in mind.

May 30, 2007  

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