Here they are...a bunch of people that I went to high school with:

Here they are...a bunch of people that I went to high school with:

It's a shame how much older THEY all look. Luckily, I look exactly the same to me. Is there a law that says a person has to gain 50 pounds within 25 years of high school graduation? These chicks have taken that to heart. They're planinng another reunion this year...I should be in Europe but if I'm not, I'll go and see some people I haven't seen in ions.
I rarely drink now but there was a time when I drank until someone said, "MEG! We ain't got no more liquor!!!!" I went to the 10th reunion with a bottle of Bacardi in my purse and I pretty much wiped that bottle out that night. (It was a small bottle, it fit in my purse) For some reason, my husband let me drive and as I was trying to get out of the parking space, which he had parallel parked in...I hit the cars in front of me and in back of me. That was fun.
The more I stare at this picture, the more people I recognize. Right now I can only name 3 of them. I'm sure that I knew more than 3, it was a relatively small high school. But, I doubt that I liked many of them. This group of people were some of the snootier folks.
I'd love to go back for one day to smack the hell out of Melody Urban. She terrorized me in 8th grade when no one cared if you were bullied. That was before the victims of bullying started blowing away half of the class. I just had to deal with it. I bet I could take her ass now.
My son wants me to go to Home Depot and buy rocks. Yep, rocks. We're still trying to get the yard prettied up and he's decided that we need rocks to make it prettier. I plant flowers, he puts down rocks. Oh well, the rocks are easier to care for.
See ya later!
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