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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

JQ says...

"...I told you sleep deprivation would take its toll. But nnoooooo, Meg wouldn't believe me. LOL..."

Oh, I knew it would take some sort of toll, but I was thinking something along the lines of narcolepsy...I didn't think it would turn me Colleen Lombardi stupid. Praise God in his heaven...my brain came back after a nice nap.

That whacked out chick is permanently dim-witted. I still can’t believe that I wrote his name 7 times telling you how I needed to find his name and get it off of the blog once and for all. I truly felt like an idiot. (I went to the Thesaurus to find a less harsh word than idiot but they didn’t even have one replacement. How fucking PC of the Thesaurus people.)

I’m about fed up with all of this politically correct crap…it’s going much too far. It has even attacked one of MY sons.

About 10 years ago, Nickelodeon started showing the reruns of ALL in the Family. I hadn’t seen it in two or three decades and I wanted to show it to the boy. That show was funny…really funny. It was created by some of the staunchest liberals in Hollywood. The talent involved in the production of that show astounds the mind so much so that it won several Emmy’s and was one of the greatest television shows of all time. Naturally I would want to share it with my kid…right? He appreciates first-class humor as much as the next guy.

I called the lad into the living room and invited him to come watch this all time classic. He sat down next to me and we turned the show on. As I did 30 something years ago…I laughed and laughed and laughed. Five minutes into the show my son jumped up and declared, “This is the most racist thing that I’ve EVER seen!” And he stormed out of the room.

I was flabbergasted. I didn’t know what to say. I was glad that I raised a child who was NOT a racist…but what kind of an -ist is he? (A civil rights activ-ist perhaps?)

The extermination of reasoned freedom of expression is truly under attack and those who are causing us to face the annihilation of a huge segment of creativity seem to be winning…for the time being. They enter into conflict with such loathing for those who disagree with them that normal people don’t make any effort whatsoever to represent another point of view. They just shake their heads and walk away, allowing the nit wit who loathes the fact that we DO have the right to disagree with them (for the time being) to walk away pompous in their perceived conquest.

One of the humorous movies of all time was a Mel Brooks classic, Blazing Saddles. Do you think that the scene with Cleavon Little holding a gun to his head declares to the bigoted townspeople, “One more move and the nigger gets it!” could possibly pass the PC police today? No more than All in the Family could be made in the social climate that we find ourselves in.

Why is that? Black and white alike chortled and chuckled with tears in their eyes at that scene 30 years ago. But today it perturbs them so very ferociously that you would think some nut was trying to bring back slavery. Once again I ask, why is that? What happened between 1970 and 2007 that turned an innocently lenient populace into a very large group of narrow minded, fanatical, sanctimonious despots? To question the strategy of a dictatorial diehard is to be swiftly branded a “racist”…whether or not race is the topic of the moment.

Of course…you could be called a homophobe if you aren’t careful. As with gay people, it’s not good enough that we merely acknowledge their right to privacy in the bedroom…(to quote JQ, “ nnoooo!”)…we have to unequivocally accept and approve the very lifestyles that they claim by way of their innate right to privacy. It’s not good enough that most of could care less what gay people do in the bedroom and we prefer to just fricking live and let live. It merely isn’t a flag we care to wave…MY personal lifestyle just doesn’t permit me the time and my OWN personal private lifestyle contains a list of priorities that I can barely honor as it is. It has nothing to do with acceptance or non-acceptance, it’s a matter of my laziness and my desire to sit in my recliner watching The History Channel.

A few people might suppose that civil rights is responsible for the intolerance, the uncompromising disposition and the lack of people who say, “I may not agree with what you say, but I’ll defend to the death your right to say it.” I don’t think so. It does have to do with civil rights…but a war was fought for civil rights almost 150 years ago. It isn’t any even remotely new. What is new, however, is the commercialization of the civil rights movement.

Once people started making careers out of bullying Americans into feeling guilty for some vague reason that they can't rationalize things went a tad askew. Ambition is the same whether it’s in a productive field such as medicine or in a destructive field such as “Civil Rights Activism”. These folks make far too much cash from their own unsubstantiated claim that I am a racist. So much cash that if one were to admit that racism is being eradicated in our modern, civilized and enlightened society, some bank accounts will begin to shrink and Fortune 500 companies would no longer knuckle under to the extortion that is being demanded by the career Civil Rights Activists.

So there’s the -ist that these people are guilty of. In their own way they are as tyrannical and as oppressive as the bona fide tyrants of the world. Why not? It seemws to be working for them.


Blogger JQ75 said...

Meg (and all your gf), it was an oversight, an honest mistake. No big deal. Everyone makes them every day, ya fix it and you move on.

Sometimes PC goes too far and sometimes its just polite.

When I said more delicately, I was serious (shouldn't have said LOL). I wouldn't call any of my friends idiots or nitwits or stuff like that. Maybe it's because I'm trying to set an example for my son who is at an age where kids call names.

For the most part I feel friendship with all the blogs I post on. But who knows I could word something not quite right and not realize how I'm being understood. I could make a mistake. Then I correct it, no big deal (I hope).

I still say mailman, even in front of my son. But the person who delvers my mail is an African American woman. There's several PC ways I could address her, but it doesn't seem to bother her, she grew up with mailmen too.

So there is polite and PC. One's a good habit and one just took a good thing too far.

That's my take. IMHO. Hope I didn't offend.

June 05, 2007  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

JQ...you haven't offended me in the least. You're my buddy!


June 05, 2007  

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