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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


...I've been working on this stupid thing for hours. I had the audio working with Live Messenger but it wouldn't work for this thing so there isn't any sound...but here is my very first video...I made signs so you don't have to read my lips:


Now...if you have a CLUE what I'm doing wrong...please let me know! It's 2:51 AM and I can't think anymore. BUT...I'll be back soon to try again!


OK...now it's morning and once I get some coffee in me (and my jammies off...well and some NEW clothes ON), I will once again go back in front of that obnoxious thing and try to make the sound work. This is the problem...I use the thing on Messenger and it worked well except I got voice through my speakers but I couldn't SEND my voice. Then, I could create a video WITH audio on the QuickCam thing but I couldn't figure out how to make THAT video do anything except play for me and I really, really HATE looking at myself so that was no fun and pointless to boot. Then, a friend told me to go to flixn.com....which was a GREAT site! I could easily create a video...but with no sound.

I can't imagine what the hell else I can do, I stayed up until 4 AM trying before I just went soundless. Maybe with a couple of hours sleep, I will be able to figure it out but I doubt it....I had a computer genuis on the phone for a LONG time trying to help me. I don't know where the problem is...with the camera, the computer, the programs or the speakers.

I've spent too much time and too much money trying to do this to just keep holding up signs everyday. I don't know who I can yell at to get this working either...no one but me has ever used all of this stuff. I may call Circuit City and bitch to them....but they DO remember Rick over there and they kinda like him so I don't want them to say, "No WONDER he left her!" So, I can't bitch too much at THEM! I wish I had thought about that when I bought this computer!

If you know anything about puters and think you might know something that I can try...feel free to help! In the meantime....back to the drawing board!



Blogger Sous Gal said...

omg that's fukin highlarious!!!! I vote keep the sound off :)

September 20, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are much more photogenic than I am. My webcam just seems to enhance any negative features and seems to create some like real dark circles under my eyes when in reality they aren't there. Cute video!


September 20, 2007  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

Well thank you. I was a bit worried after hours of being annoyed over the stupid sound problem...but it was 4 AM so I didn't really care. I was getting slap happy and my son brought a drunk chick to my house so I had to run into my bedroom to avoid that situation. Then, I fell asleep and now I'm up...but I haven't had much sleep so the next video very well may have REAL circles under MY eyes!


September 20, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you have a mic with your computer?

September 20, 2007  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

By the way, to answer a private question...there are too many of them...email me the ones you mean and I'll see what I can do!


September 20, 2007  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...


I don't know. I know there's one on the camera...maybe that's why the camera thing works...ya think? Also, I couldn't get the computer to recognize the camera's mic so I bet that has something to do with it, ya think?

I could still do this is I could figure out how to get the videos from THAT program...but Flixn is too easy!


September 20, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah I played around with that site after I talked to you last night - I liked it. Might have to give it a whirl sometime!!

September 20, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I vote to keep the sound off too, you could be onto something 'different' here. It was very funny.
Could you please let us see the fish tanks too, especially the new salt water tank.
Remember, forget the sound, everyone does sound....too boring.

September 20, 2007  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

Well, for the time being...that's the deal. I've been working with this thing literally for hours and haven't gotten it to work yet. Actually, I did, but then I had no video. It was very frustrating. I need a break from that so let me make another silent film!


September 20, 2007  
Blogger mylifeatfullspeed said...

OMG!!! Reverse Cue Cards!!! I was laughing so hard I almost peed!

I'm gonna be chuckling over that for the rest of the day! You are one funny lady!


September 20, 2007  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

Uh...you know, I wasn't trying to be funny so I'm not sure what to make of all the comments saying that it was funny. But, as long as you enjoyed it...whatever!


September 20, 2007  

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