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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Saturday, October 27, 2007


...here's the whatchamacallit. It's in response to a comment that I found on another blog. This is the comment:

"...Did that person ever apologize for telling me to fuck off?..."

And, being "that person", this is my retort:


It's really very simple.

Have a loverly weekend.



Blogger Jaded said...

I absolutely agree with you! I kept thinking that if you said it and meant it, why bother with an apology? Especially if it's the person to whom I think you're referring.

Yay for Payton for being such a smart boy!

October 27, 2007  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

Thank you girl. Yeah, it's the person you think it is. I don't get the attraction to the melodrama, I'd rather just say "Fuck off" and blow it off than to play musical blogs and friends.

And Payton IS a smart boy! And now he's a clean boy too. He just had his second bath in two weeks because he got fleas and he had an allergic reaction to them. I put all kinds of shit on him, bathed him with flea shampo...nothing worked. Today I got some stuff from the vet that killed all the fleas on him then I had to shampoo him again so that I could put some of the stuff from the vet on his back. I had to wash all the old stuff off of him. He smells so good...I used berry shampoo. He's also MUCH better already.

I hated seeing him suffer.


October 27, 2007  
Blogger Lara Croft said...

It took like an hour but i got to see ya video thingy lol. I lurve your accent !!

oh and to be honest i dont think saying fuk off is a big deal, id love to say it to numerous clients everyday for the same reason ie get out of my face

October 28, 2007  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

LOLOL...bless your heart! Was that the first one you've ever watched? And what do you mean accent? I have no accent!


October 28, 2007  
Blogger Lara Croft said...

I watched your earlier ones where you used a "clipboard" but yes the first speaking one Meg. LOL at no accent.

October 28, 2007  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

Uh oh...well I guess I better put up my anti-karma shield and protect myself. Sol, you got yours out?

See ya JD, you psycho skank!

Lovely to hear from you again, it had been close to an hour since your last email...where were you?


October 28, 2007  
Blogger Determined said...

I'm surprised that we were labeled "axis of evil" and not blog terrorists. With "Axis of evil" being so outdated and all...

So which one are you? Lara can be the japanese emperor since she's by asia lol

October 28, 2007  
Blogger Determined said...

I'm surprised that we were labeled "axis of evil" and not blog terrorists... You know..with "axis of evil" being so outdated and all...

Lara can be the japanese emperor since she's by asia lol

October 28, 2007  
Blogger Lara Croft said...

LOL at an hour ago

October 29, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jesus, talk about beating a dead horse! When is JD or whatever the hell her name is gonna move on already?!!

October 29, 2007  
Blogger Lara Croft said...

Umm well I can be Asia if you like but i think hong kong phooey has that already hehe

October 29, 2007  
Blogger Determined said...

LOL at ME! Had one beer and one happy trigger finger. *click click click*

October 29, 2007  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

LOLOL...Sol, you crack me up. We gotta move closer to each other. We'd be the only 2 women in the country who could buy one 6 pack and be totally shitfaced.

What cheap dates we are.


October 30, 2007  

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