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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Last night…

…I found a napkin in my purse. A couple of weeks ago I was out and I saw a little thing on the table that had some writing stamped on it. At first I sort of laughed…then I thought about what I had read. I couldn't steal the thing that had the writing on it so I wrote it down on a napkin and stuffed it in my purse. Then, I forgot about it until last night when I found the napkin. It said:

2 Beers $6
3 Margaritas $15
4 Jell-O Shots $20

Taking home the girl who drank all of the above…Priceless.

Do you think that men in bars should be reading crap like that on the tables? I would hate to think that my daughter would be out with a young guy who has had a few drinks and then sees that written right in front of him. If he had any doubt that women are there for his amusement, the acceptable little card on the table in the bar should wipe it out of his mind.

I wonder what Natalee Holloway’s mother would think if she read that? Natalee had already packed before she left to celebrate her last night on Aruba. An organized young lady like that wouldn’t have broken the rules and left without a friend if it hadn’t been for young men who could afford as much liquor as it took to get her to leave. According to a guy interviewed on Fox News, the 3 young men allegedly involved in Natalee’s disappearance plied many young women with booze. It was their motus operandi.

If a person (male or female…I suppose it’s possible that a young man could also be a victim of some rapist with a penchant for drunk victims), used a date rape drug in the form of a pill to incapacitate a victim, we would see it for exactly what it is. But, call the drug a Jell-O Shot and it seems rather innocent. Can’t you just imagine a man telling a young girl who doesn’t want another drink that, “There’s always room for Jell-O!”?

I think that most people understand that alcohol diminishes common sense. What surprises me is the fact that anyone in the world would print the recipe for a date rape drug and place it on the tables of bars all over the country. Bartenders will take your keys away, if they can, to prevent you from hurting yourself or other people with a car. But a drunk young woman who is being lead to the scene of a crime is waved on simply because the perpetrator is holding her up. There certainly isn't too much that a bartender can do to prevent certain things from happening, but they could do young women a favor and take the date rape recipe off the table.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, in every walk of life there is someone who feels unloved, uncertain about themselves, transparent in life....and when somebody, even someone with bad intent puts all their attention on you,you feel special,for some all caution will be set aside to feel that.
As a parent unconditional love MUST be taught....as a child it must be received.

December 09, 2007  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

You're quite right. I went out of my way to make my kids feel good about themselves because of how rotten I felt about myself growing up. The best advie you can give a parent is to let their kids know how much you love them and how wonderful they are.


December 09, 2007  

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