More of my opinion
I have one blog open so that I can listen to music and this one so I can write. The music list isn't as long as I'd like for it to be but it'll do for now. Especially if I ever get drunk enough to karaoke. Actually, I did do that one time...I wasn't really drunk but I was one happy little lady.
Well, I no longer need to give regular weather updates...I have my own Meg-A-Momitor:
According to my Meg-A-Momitor, it's gotta be under 40 out there.
You oughta see it when the temperature dips below 20! (For the Aussie's, that's DAMN cold in Celsius.)
Well, I'm bored and that shouldn't be. I'm going to waste again so I have to start a new project. I haven't decided what it'll be but tomorrow night I have an audition at Georgia State University for a video. It's supposed to be "controversial". They said to come with an "open mind". I hope that doesn't mean that I have to take off my clothes. It's too damn cold for that crap.
The producers want to do this thing where they take people and dress them up like society expects them to look, then they dress them up as just the opposite. Next, they show them as themselves. I wonder what they expect a grandmother to look like? I hope I get the chance to find out.
Oh, my daughter was on that Ross guy's piece the other night. He's some dude who goes out and does interviews for Leno. She's in it...long enough to notice the camera and run away. They kept following her for a little while, you can see her in the background scuttling's sort of funny. If you know my daughter it's funny. She hates being on TV. Anyway, if it's still at the page, I'll try to get it here. Let me go check.
OK, if you watch the VERY BEGINNING of the clip, before Ross starts to talk to my daughter's boss (the head chef) you'll see her in a black suit and a pony tail behind him. She sees the camera and books on outta there. let me write something else to end this...BRB again.
How do I end this...let me count the ways...OH! I know!
A friend sent a complaint about LORRAINE COYLE KOPPEL or something like that. The complaint was sent to the Attorney complaint department or whatever you call that thing. She complained about the atrocious behavior exhibited by Coyle-Koppel. Now the reason that 200 lawyers at the bottom of the ocean is a good start has answered the complaint.
Her answer consists of MY blog...which she blames on my friend. Isn't that a hoot? I guess she has no answer to the charges themselves so she must figure a good offense is better than a reasonable defense. She has offered the committee my blog as a defense and accused my friend of writing it.
I wrote everything on this blog myself. Remember, if it's in THIS is my work. I have a message to the mean and nasty lady herself.
Hey bitch,
Why don't you take a class in professional behavior? I think all of your problems would be solved by a dose of decency and a touch of class. Have you ever thought of that? Maybe you should take a gander at How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie. It's a good book for people like you who don't have an innate sense of how to treat other humans. The way I see it, you're missing the part of a normal person that allows for sensitivity to other people and their feelings. I think some people call that anti-social...others call it psychopathic. I believe the complaint filed against you had specific charges alleged. Do you have an answer to THOSE? I would imagine that the committee sitting in judgement against you would be too smart to be distracted by your obsession with my friend and myself. YOUR behavior warrants a restraining order if you ask me. And I bet that if the committee thought about your treatment of my friend, they might just see it that way as well. My friend and I are not unreasonable people...take the blogs in their entirety and you'll see that. Anyway, have a nice day.
It's amazing to me that anyone would be so shocked by the idea of a blog. There are more than 110 MILLION blogs rolling around these internets. Blogging has become a very large, important voice in today's society. So imply that someone is weird for blogging shows just how out of touch with the reality of current societal norms she is. Blogging is not only acceptable, it is prevalent and part of the reality of the times in which we live.
If more than 100 million people are blogging world wide, I'd say that the people who don't blog are the ones completely out of touch with reality. But then, that's just my opinion, as one of the 100 million bloggers in the world.
lolol, wait until she sees the response to her response. Her eyes are gonna pop out. She's going to be like, "Damn! I'm NEVER gonna underestimate people again!"
Oh, she will, she will. She's one of those arrogant fucks who ALWAYS thinks that their brain and anility to bullshit will win out over everyone else's common decency. Sadly for her and good for me and my friend, she'll underestimate us one too many times. Oh, I know enough about this complaint crap to know something even Sol might not know...once a complaint is taken so far as to require an answer from an attorney, that complaint is on the attorney's record FOREVER. Of that I am sure. Maybe the next cheating bastard who wants to hire her will think twice when they see what type of behavior this nut is capable of.
OK then.
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