This'll leave a mark:

Phone sex shouldn't begin until a bit later in life. But you know boys...they can't help themselves.
I went on a date once with a guy who was so sweet while he was trying to get me to go out with him. He's in Physician's Assistant school and I thought that we might have some things in common. He and I communicated often for a couple of months before I finally agreed to meet him.
Until then, he had been so sweet. He had a wild sense of humor so when he made veiled sexual references, I took them in stride. I just assumed that was his personality. He had been so much fun to talk to and I have a bit of a dry sense of humor that I pepper with a few sexual allusions myself. I just figured that he and I were similar that way...not really serious about the sex stuff, more or less just silly.
Well, he invited me out one night and since I didn't know him that well, I met him away from my house and we jumped in his car. He kissed me immediately which I didn't mind. But I quickly figured out that he would have been perfectly happy to stay in his car and play.
I haven't done cars (other than making out) in years...hell, decades! Since high school, I've not been a fan of the car...I have a couch. Besides, this was our first date and I didn't want to spend it making out in his car. At one point he finally started to drive away and I was SOOO pleased!
Imagine my surprise when he just drove around the driveway to the house next to where we had met! That dude absolutely would have done anything that I would have let him do.
My father once told me that if you lined up 100 men and showed them a female, 96 of the men would do her. Conversely, if you lined up a hundred women and showed them a man, 96 of them would NOT do the guy.
What a shame that it's on we women to stop the guys and worry about reputations. I hate that.
One of the reasons that I like Cheek Dude so much is that he treats me so decently. That's not to say that he isn't a normal's just that he has enough class to pepper our relationship with dates that have no sex. He takes me out 2 or 3 times a week and he calls me once or twice a day. He opens doors and all that stuff. He does kiss me when we meet and then we go out and have fun. After that...who knows? But our dates are not about sex, they're about having fun and spending time together.
It isn't as though Cheek Dude doesn't have sex on his's just that he's smart enough to treat me well and only after having a nice evening is it the time for "adult play".
If I were a guy who wanted to get laid, I would work at it. I'd take the chick out and show her a nice time. Then, if it feels right, I would kiss her. But there are so many men who haven't got the class to treat a lady right. Jeez, even if a guy only wanted sex...he should at least be smart enough to be sure that the lady has some fun before he goes for it. High school boys might be able to get away with the selfish, hurried stuff...but a full grown man should be smarter than that.
Oh well, boys will be boys. But smart men will be much more likely to enjoy themselves after they see to it that their date has a good time!
I may be back to add to this and I may just do another post. But for now, I'm going to sit here, think about Dude and smile for a while!
Oh! By the way...have you guys noticed all of the Seinfeld ads online? Does this dude really need more cash?
I stopped to peek into your profile and mind, and liked what I found there. You didn't appear to be a scam, a stripper, nor a lousy band, trying to vie for my attention. In fact, you are downright interesting, intriguing, and sexy, but almost more in a cerebral way. I like how you think. You're funny, articulate, and seem to be quite sexually liberated, or liberating (still pondering the difference). Your blogs are rather amusing. That penis-enlarging technique almost seemed convincing, although you failed to mention that it pretty much just sounded like a run-of-the-mill handjob with extra trimmings. hehe...
OK, Meg... let's be friends. Tell me more about yourself. You may even read my profile and tell me what we have in common. (Yeah, I'll let you do the footwork here.) Aha! Wait, you mentioned having cancer, and I just beat APL Leukemia in 30 days in 2005. Perhaps you know me through that (as I tend to make it quite public as the "I like having cancer" Guy. I'm weird, what can I say. More about that later).
In the meantime, it's nice meeting you. Keep smiling.
Ciao 4 now,
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