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Monday, June 02, 2008

I keep hearing that Obama...

...has such great appeal to the youth of America so I decided to go right tot he source and ask a young person. Meet a young lady from down the street...Heather Nicole.

Me: Hi Heather Nicole, would you mind telling us how old you are?

Heather Nicole: I'm 17 but I'll be 18 by the election next January.

Me: Uh...OK. Tell us who you'll be voting for...in January.

Heather Nicole: Obama for sure! Did you see his video? I'm voting for Obama!

Me: You won't be supporting Hillary?

Heather Nicole: Oh no...they're so 90's.

Me: Can you tell us why you'll be voting for Mr. Obama?

Heather Nicole: Well DUH! He's for change!

Me: What exactly will he be changing that has captured your imagination, Heather Nicole?

Heather Nicole: Everything! He'll change everything bad into good stuff!

Me: How about the war in Iraq?

Heather Nicole: Well that's SOOOOOO easy...DUH! War is bad! Obama will change that!

Me: LOLOL...you slay me. Now tell me this, do you think that an Obama Presidency would be good for the economy?

Heather Nicole: Well, I don't take Economics until next year but Obama wants to change it!

Me: Does his lack of experience bother you at all?

Heather Nicole: No, you have to start somewhere you know! And if I don't have to know anything to vote for President, why should he have to know anything?

Me: You think a man should BEGIN at the Presidency?

Heather Nicole: Yeah, whenever he goes from O'hare to Downtown Chicago.

Me: What are you talking about Heather Nicole?

Heather Nicole: I saw Obama when I was visiting Chicago at the big bean! I think he stayed at The Presidency.

Me: OK. Let's switch gears. What do you think about Reverend Jeremiah Wright?

Heather Nicole: The guy who invented Black History Month? He's cool!

Me: Heather Nicole, one last question, what issue is most important to you TODAY?!

Heather Nicole: Oh wow...did you hear about that tennis player lady who was arrested for crack in New York today? I think her father was married to Marilyn Monroe!

Me: Thank you Heather Nicole. Sigh.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My daughter is almost 19 and a poli-sci/communications major and has worked on his campaign from the start. So has my 15 year old son even though he is unable to vote. I am in no way trying to change your opinion of him, because that is the great thing about this country -freedom to vote the way we choose. Voting is one of the few rights they can't take away from us.

June 02, 2008  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...


It was my children and their support for Obama that made me realize what an impact he was having on the young people.

I heard once that if you're a teenager and you aren't a liberal you have no heart and if you're a full grown adult and you aren't a conservative you have no brain. I certainly wouldn't go that far but it is nice to see the kids interested at ALL in politics.


June 02, 2008  

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