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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Sunday, June 08, 2008

I watched an old movie...

...the other day. Actually, I watch a lot of them because I have a much better chance of seeing a good movie if I watch an old movie that I've never seen rather than a new movie that I could go see. In the movie that I watched, some law professor dude was renting a lovely little house for the summer so that he could write a book. He had to hire the leading lady to cook and perform other such annoying little chores for him for a few days. Apparently the Professor's mind was so valuable that society needed him to devote all of his time to thinking. So, the lady did all of the stupid crap until the professor's "man" showed up the following week.

It all got me wondering, I really need someone to take care of all the stupid things that I don't want to do. I would prefer to have a "man" as well. It wouldn't be a sex thing, just a master/slave sort of deal. Kinda like the professor's "man" in the movie. Of course the "man" in the movie WAS black...but I don't HAVE to have a black slave, any man will do. You see, like the professor, I, too, have a lot of things to think about. God knows what I could come up with if I was buffered from the unpleasantries of life!

And the guy would have to be as happy to serve me as the black dude was when he served his...I don't know what the "man" called the professor, probably Professor..."master". That was one devoted man-servant, I must say. He even shed a tear when the Professor showed a serious alteration in his demeanor. His devotion to his boss showed even more when the master dude asked him a question about women. The black guy said, "I've been cloistered with you for twenty five years." So, obviously, as a priest to the church, a person can be devoted to another person in a non-sexual way. I need someone devoted to me like that. Sex just mucks things up.

I have a LOT of thinking to do and I can't do it if I have to keep washing floors and returning phone calls. I need a "man" to do all of that for me. I bet I could find one...I almost had one once. I had placed an ad for a roommate and in discussing the situation in emails, I mentioned that I would do inside the house maintenance if he did outside stuff. He took that to mean that I would, in addition to doing his laundry and cooking for him, accept his outside maintainance in lieu of rent. I never meant that a'taaalllll! I wanted his cash, why else would I give up my privacy? I'd rather let the lawn turn into a jungle than to have a man with no money in my house.

Anyway, now that I think of it, some unemployed dude would probably love to be my man-servant. I let the last one get away. Perhaps I should advertise for one.

You know, I think I will. LOLOLOL.


Evil grin.

OK, I've done it. I've advertised for a man servant. Here is my ad:

I need a man servant who will wait on me hand and foot. I have a LOT of thinking to do and I cannot be bothered with the mundane tasks that existence requires so I must have a capable man servant to do these things for me. Total devotion to the job is mandatory so men with obligations to anyone else need not apply. Also, knowledge of the art of man-servanting is imperative. Attire is a suit and tie unless your duties require special clothing. The right candidate will be well spoken (a posh British accent is a plus) and very well mannered. He must also be a superb cook and resourceful personal assistant. Energetic but quiet mannered men will be given serious consideration.

Will consider novices who have watched every single episode of Family Affair, paying special attention to the behavior of Mr. French.

I can't wait to see who applies.


My first applicant:

I am apply for the job posted and know I am the one that can fulfill your duties. I can be reach at ******* for consideration

Obviously this guy won't work, he's not at all "well spoken". I'll keep trying. I only offered "room and board" so this guy wants to work for me for nothing except room and board. Apparently slavery is OK as long as the slave is a volunteer. I didn't expect anyone to offer but who am I to turn away a volunteer!

I just changed the ad headline to read, "I need a slave/man servant". If someone applies NOW, I'd be a fool to say no?!


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