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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Friday, August 22, 2008

My dog woke me up...

...at 7 this morning because he wanted to go out. I let him out, started a pot of coffee and went to lay back down until the coffee was ready. The next thing I knew, my sister was standing over me saying, "Hey, wake up! I need a ride to work!" She had tried to call me over and over again but when I let the dog out, I took the phone out of my room and left it in the kitchen. I never planned on falling back asleep.

I took her to work and came home. Then, my roommate stopped to talk to me on her way to the doctor. She was in a 4 car wreck yesterday, right down the street from here. She was on her way home when some poor old man in a Terminex truck smashed into one car which smacked into my friend's car and then she hit the car in front of her. All 3 of the cars that were hit were at a stoplight.

The guy had to be going pretty quickly because my roommate's car was totaled. Yesterday when it happened, she didn't feel too badly but last night she had a dreadful headache and today she can't move her neck and her back hurts. That little lady might end up with a few shares of Terminex stock before this is over.

She took pictures of the car and when her boyfriend gives her back the camera, I'll stick them up here.

I think I'm going to create a video for you guys. I made one last night but apparently it was too long to embed on this blog. But, I did learn something from that video...I have no business filming myself when I'm ready for bed and not ready for the camera. During the day, I'm dressed, I've put my contacts in and I've done my hair. I may have even put some make-up on if I had to go someplace during the day.

But at night...I've pretty much gotten ready for bed and if there's not a guy around, that could be really frightening. So, if I want to make a video now, I'd have to get ready to some extent. But, I don't want to wear make-up for no reason at all. I'll think of something.

This week has really gone by quickly. I guess it's because it started at the hospital on Monday and then I had one stupid thing after another happen to me like the court thing. Oh, my calcium level is high again. I don't know anything else and I won't for a while. My doctor referred me to a specialist and he'll be the one to find out what, if anything, the blood tests mean.

The doctor who figured out that there was a problem with my parathyroid gland in the first place figured it out because he had seen me twice in the ER...once for a broken wrist and once for the kidney stones. He saw on my record that I had also broken my tailbone earlier that year. He asked me some other questions and then said that he thought it would be smart to check my calcium level. Thank goodness for that.

I had been feeling really badly and I had lost about 40 pounds at that point but I attributed it to Rick's affair and the nasty way he was treating me. It never occurred to me that I could have had cancer.

Hell, who thinks about their own health at all when they're busy jumping through hoops for a cheating husband? Not me, that's obvious.

Anyway, I'll let you know if there's anything important to tell you. I'm not going to start going into detail about every little symptom because I would feel like I was whining and I hate whining unless it's about my ex. But, as I said, I'll keep you apprised of any major developments. If I die, I just won't be here. I can't really tell you about that...but I think you'll figure it out.

I have to clean the HELL out of my house today. It was a really, really bad day to sleep late. But, I have a couple more things to do on the computer and then I'm going to get to work cleaning up and taking care of business.

See ya soon!


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