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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Friday, August 08, 2008

I went out with a guy last night...

...but it WASN'T a date. It couldn't have been because he said that if it was, he was afraid he might read about it on this thing. So, it wasn't a date.

It was just a thing where the guy came to my house, picked me up, took me out to eat, then to Starbucks for a frapaccino and then he took me home, walked me to my door where I gave him a hug and he went home. It's a good thing it wasn't a date, I couldn't have told you all of that.

I guess I sort of understand why a guy would worry that I might mention him on this blog but that's only because if you read it, it seems as though I write everything that happens to me. I've been doing this for almost 4 years and I've only mentioned two guys by name, maybe three. But one of them was the subject of the blog and the other two were major dicks. In the past 4 years I've dated more than a few minor dicks and even a handful of jerks. I never mentioned any of them. It takes more than being a jerk to garner a mention on this blog and as many assholes as I've met, a very small fraction of them are bad enough to be outed on the internet.

I wouldn't mention any guy who was just a garden variety jack ass...you have to be much, much worse than that to find yourself here. So, the guys that I date are almost always pretty darn safe. If I named ALL of the guys that I didn't like, I would have quite a public reputation by now.

Rick cheated on me when I had cancer and I had to have him arrested twice for being violent that very same summer. He lied to me and manipulated me and had me jumping through hoops to "save" our marriage after he had already decided to leave. He just wanted me to shut up until he was gone.

One other guy was mentioned when I politely turned him down with this email after he had asked me to send more pictures of myself to him:

ME: You know, I don't care for it when people are so concerned with a person's looks. I am an attractive women but what's more important is that I'm a very decent human being. I am looking for someone interested in me, not the way I look. Have a nice life.

He responded with this email:

HIM: Let's see now. You're flat broke; you don't even know if you have money to pay the rent on the apartment and not a dime for retirement and you don't like where you live? I'm quite established in my community, am a millionaire, and you're telling me off? Yeah, right.

So, I said this:

ME: LOLOL, yeah, well, I'm not a hooker. And I didn't tell you off. I politely told you that I didn't appreciate being treated like a piece if furniture. I live in a house and I am an established member of my own community. I am a registered nurse and I happen to be recovering from cancer. My situation is temporary...yours, however seems to be a bit more involved. Good luck with that. A million bucks ain't what it used to be.

Then, after I posted some more of our correspondence, someone wrote to tell me that this guy was a politician in Michigan. That nit wit turned out to be the County Commissioners of some county in Michigan. I thought that he certainly earned a mention.

So, to the guy I DIDN'T go on a date last night, don't worry...not one little bit.

He seemed like a VERY nice man and he didn't even mind when Payton jumped all over him and his clothes after being out in the backyard. I can tell an asshole a mile away. I may not be able to read into a person as to whether or not they have any problems, but I can spot a dick coming any day of the week. This guy, while I don't know him too much, is NOT the type of guy who would earn any notoriety...not on this blog anyway.

I can't count the number of dates I've been on and a lot of them were not my type, or I wasn't their's. But I don't just out dudes willy-nilly, I only out those who go out of their way to be assholes. So, Not-A-Date-Dude, you're safe. Maybe sometime we can go on a date, ya think?

Now I have to get ready to go run a few errands so I'll be on my way. That damn check hasn't come yet and now I'm starting to sweat it out. As soon as it DOES come, I'll be fine but in the meantime, I'm not having any fun trying to keep this house going. Luckily, my foot is much better, I don't even limp anymore. Oh, and I STILL have a LOT to tell you guys about the entire week that I spent out of town...and it's KILLING me not to be able to tell you now! Oh well, maybe it'll come today.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had a nice time, I hope you had a nice time, too. Tell Payton that he can't hump my leg on a first non-date.

August 08, 2008  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

LOLOL, Payton is sort of a free spirit, he doesn't know that some people don't like to be humped so soon in a relationship. I'll work on that. Now, you gave your OWN name out...remember that!

And yes, I had a lovely time.


August 08, 2008  

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