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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Thursday, February 05, 2009

I was listening to my friend...

...talk about how she was "out of energy". She said that she should go get one of those, "Organic Coffee Enemas" to do a "good washing from the inside out". I thought that was lame so I told her to eat 2 apples and take a Correctol. That'll scrub your guts pretty good.

I wish I would have thought of some harmless medical procedure that I could charge a hundred bucks a pop to do. Oh! Does anyone have DOUCHE'S? Damn, they got enemas...I guess they'll cover douche's too. Or do they charge per hole? How exactly does that work? Yeah, douche's are good, they won't hurt anybody and women are always ready to believe that there's something wrong with them that a nice trip to the drug store won't fix. I could call it Meg's Super Douche. Oh! And I could even have strong, medium and weak...ooh! And Citrus!

I know, I won't use organic coffee...I'll use organic lemons.

I'm not sure what to do here but I thought that I would come in case you guys were like my local friends, everyone is getting worried after not hearing from me in a couple days. So, I'm fine.

I have to do something today...maybe now that I've gone this far, I'll just go get all busy and take care of stuff. Ooh...that's a good idea! I am almost finished with my coffee and "breakfast bread". I never had breakfast bread before but someone said that it would be a nice sweetbread so I cut myself a piece. I don't know what this bread is but it looks like the head cheese of the pastry world. I suppose it's OK if you like fruit bread...but I don't. It isn't bad tasting, but it isn't good tasting either. I won't be eating anymore breakfast bread and if no one else comes to eat it, it will just rot. I can't throw it away early...that'd be throwing away food. You can't throw food away until it has visible agricultural or botanical activity occurring on it. I don't make the rules, I just abide by them.

I guess that's why there are so many different kinds of cheese. Those cheeseheads keep getting bored with the old cheese and there could be a million other kinds of cheese that haven't been created yet! OMG! Can you imagine? "Cheese Jerry, CHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESE!"

OK then.

Now, I have to see if whatever I did to make the microphone work has worked again. If not, this post will be followed by nothing.


OMG! This bread is more hideous with every single bite! Ladies...STOP making fruit bread and breakfast bed!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Meg, don't be so.......so something. Fruit bread is the best! With a slice of hard cheese, yum!
In some countries it is eaten during Easter or Christmas time. In Bremen it is called Klaben, at Christmas time it's called a Stollen. Well, maybe yours is just not as nice.

You could always feed it to your dog, slice by slice...lol.

February 06, 2009  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

Klaben...THAT'S what this tastes like!

February 07, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thomas's of the English Muffin variety make some great Breakfast Bread and it doesn't get stuck in the toaster like the English Muffins have a tendency to do-after which they catch on fire and destroy your toaster, your breakfast and answer one of the greatest questions of the universe: Does that smoke alarm REALLY work? By that point all your neighbors know the answer to that question as well. I've never changed the batteries in a single one like you're suppose to when we change the clocks bi-anually. I'm lucky if I remember to change the clock. I'm suppose to think about being burnt beyond recognition in my own house? I've already made arrangements for cremation and no damn bread or toaster is gonna mess with my pre-planned roast- and-toast.

May 19, 2012  

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