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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Good Morning!

I recieved so many e-mails telling me how tough it is to post a comment with that haloscan thing that I took it off. The only problem now is that all of the comments are on the front page of the blog and I can't make them go away. Oh well, what can you do? Haloscan DOESN'T erase the other comments, but you have to "hide" them in order for haloscan to work. So, there they are...now I can't get rid of them at all. Oh well.

I just remembered that today is the 28th and I have to go to the doctor today...I think my appointment is at 1:30...but I could be wrong...damn it.
I hope it's at 1:30 because I am not dressed yet and would never make it any earlier. I could just stop this and go get ready...but I don't want to. I'm not in any hurry to go to the doctors...I hate that.

That freak that hosts the losers has written to me to tell me that he has nothing to do with any of the BS that is going on and he expects me to believe that. Well, I'm not THAT stupid. I'm not even stupid enough to go to The Open Leter that they have written to me. I have enough of that private conversation on this computer to know that he is either involved in it or he has tacitly allowed it. Why else would they all care if I posted at his site? And...if he had nothing to do with it, he would make it stop...he has that power, I am sure of it.

I suppose all of the kind things he said about me in the email is supposed to assuage my feelings, but it won't work. Go tell those things to your minions...that crap is wasted on me...I know I'm a decent person.

And, why do you suppose he waited until I said something about him? Perhaps he is just a little worried about appearing to be sadistic, or maybe he just doesn't like the fact that I could use his name. Well, Rogers, I have all of their names as well.

I went to Flikr.com and searched through contacts to find each and every one of the bums that you are associateing with. I have thier links as well, I just choose to leave them all alone. Even under attack, I will just further expose myself and show the world that my hands are clean.

I challenge any one of you to show us all how strong YOU are...I doubt any of you have the strength to do it.

But...when I look in the mirror, I am fine... I didn't have to lower myself at all...I don't even think that I have the ability to sink as low as you folks so I won't even bother...you are lower than I would ever want to go.

Now, to my ex's wife...Big Dee...you on the other hand, I will expose because you KNOW my children and you continue to do this. I told you....just stay in your house and play. I haven't seen you in decades yet you are obsessed with me and I don't get that. Hasn't your husband proven himself to be a good man? If not...why can't you just be happy? Is there THAT much lacking in your life? When you continually spend so much time on ME...I have to wonder why. Are you that miserable? Can you find nothing better to do with your time? Why would you bring my dead mother into this? Your mother must me so proud of her girl...I understand that your family is supposed to be full of decent people. I don't believe that. If it were true, one of them would have told you what a jerk you are. If my sister was showing her ass...I'd tell her. That's what family does. So, I guess your family is just a bunch of slithering worms...you show them all to be no more than that.

You know, this will only end up hurting YOUR kid...but from what I've heard, that's already happening. I feel so badly for any little girl that has such a useless pion for a mother and then on top of that...she has a powerless sucker for a father. How do you think my kids came out so good? He had nothing to do with it. My kids are great because of me...I instilled certain values in them when they were little. You can NEVER take that away from any of them...they are better than you could ever hope to be. Too bad your mother will NEVER know the pride that I have.

Like you, she can SAY it...but it will be meaningless because if you were happy, you would stay with your husband instead of obsessing about his ex wife. I wouldn't give you 2 cents for your marriage...if it were a happy one, you'd be enjoying it and not here...reading this!

See ya,



Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are warnings on those cans of old lead-based paint for a reason; you *aren't* supposed to drink it.

Nothing warms me up quite like watching you drive a wedge between yourself and your "readers" in your attempts to defend yourself against the invaders that you instigated. Keep up the good work!

June 28, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Meg, Rogers really has nothing to do with this and has removed your home address from Cruel and told us not to post it anymore. He can't control what goes on outside of his site. He really, really, is not a part of this. If you read the open letter you will see he has removed the address, as well as slapped hands a bit.

June 28, 2005  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...


Well, you are so bright...you even use those stupid *stars* on your own web site...why do you do that? FDon't you know that you expose yourself every time you do that?
So, Rogers did it just for me? LOLOLOL...if that were so, YOU would have YOUR home address taken off of that site!!!
He just doesn't want to look like a fool in public...you people are so pathetic....have a lovely day.

June 28, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All the lunicy aside Meg do good at the Doctor today. Will hold you in my thoughts.

June 28, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Meg, Please, I am begging you here. There are no links on that Open Letter thread (that I recall) Please read it.

June 28, 2005  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

Thank you buddy, I am worried about that.

Yeah right, as though I would open ANYTHING that you people have anything to do with...ROGERS is a liar...why would I believe his attempt to hide his own culpability? That is there for his readers, not for me

June 28, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Firstly, he did not start that Open Letter thread. Secondly, if you want to remain in the dark, that's your choice. I just wish I had the words to convince you. Your loss.

June 28, 2005  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

LOLOL, it was ALL bullshit...you guys are good...just one question? Why me? What are you afraid of? And...I have never been wriiten to at the address on Cruel, how does hiding that help me? Go home...go back to the place from whence you came.

June 28, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Expose myself? Mrs. Robinson, are you trying to seduce me?

June 28, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, and one more thing:

"just one question?"

turned into three rather quickly.

June 28, 2005  

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