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Thursday, June 30, 2005

Goody goody goody,

My landlord finally came home from his vacation and I should be getting the AC fixed. They felt very badly about the whole thing but I don’t really mind too much, I saved a lot in electricity.

I usually pay between 2 and 3 hundred a month in electricity, this lack of central air use might have put it below 200 if I’m lucky. Of course, I washed a lot more clothes so who knows. My father says that that’s ridiculous but we paid about a thousand dollars a month in New York, seriously. The apartments that we lived in had once been army barracks and the ceilings were really super high. So, we had heat but we couldn’t reach it. That was some new and improved cold they had up there.

Imagine paying over 30 bucks a day just to stay warm. That was insane. The rent was only $700.

Can you imagine what it must have been like just 3 generations before us? They had fans, but I can tell you that they don’t help a whole helluva lot. Oh, I just remembered that I didn’t tell the landlord’s wife about the wet wood under the hot water heater. Oh, what a treat that should be for them to hear. Anyway, our grandparents didn’t have any of the modern conveniences that we have. Well, now that I think of it, that depends on how old you are. I’ve heard that the cut off line for my generation is before 1963...if you can remember the Kennedy assassination, then you are in one group. If you can’t, you’re in another.

My group had to stand next to the wall to speak on the phone and we were lucky to have more than 3 channels to watch on television. We never felt as though we were missing something but there aren't too many homes that don't have at least 50 channels nowadays. I was so happy to get cable when I lived in Virginia but I was fine in Chicago with a handful of channels. Why is it that we use to be able to get better reception? I remember when you didn't need cable to get good reception. We never considered pumping our own gas, there was a guy who did that, and he checked your oil for you AND he washed your windshields. My dad had that big station wagon and as he handed the man two singles, he would say, “Two dollars regular.”

He wouldn’t have only gotten two bucks worth if it didn’t last him for a little while anyway. Today, two bucks wouldn’t buy a gallon of gas. I bought gas yesterday and got bored after the thing passed the 20 dollar mark. I had only put three quarters of a tank in that thing, isn’t that ridiculous?

Most of us were raised with all the physical modern comforts, like air conditioning and pousture-pedic mattresses. My grandparents didn’t have those things. They were a little stronger, those folks were. They were a little bit closer to each other as well. They had to be, people depended upon each other for so many things then...we really don’t need each other anymore. Our methods of communication have become so cold and impersonal that we needn’t put too much effort into it.

OH, my father is coming so I have to get the house ready for the white glove test. I need to rent a carpet cleaner because the humidity isn’t very kind to carpets. I didn’t want to bother until we had the AC fixed and since that should happen any time now, I’m going to go rent that sucker. I’ll just put it smack dab in the middle of the living room and see if my son takes the hint. I think he will, that’s a pretty good size machine.

My appetite has gone away again, I have to force myself to eat. I had gained a few pounds over the past month but I think they will go quickly now. The bad thing is that I’ve lost my perspective on that again, a few pounds make such a big difference that I see fat again when it couldn’t be there. I know I’ve lost my perspective so I am going to do what I know I should do, luckily it’s easy to know how one should eat. I’ve eaten quite a bit over the years. I miss enjoying food...I really do. I do still enjoy ice cream, as a matter of fact, I think I’m going to go get some.

See ya,



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