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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

You know...

...I haven’t mentioned my buddy Mike in quite a while. I don’t want him to feel all left out so I thought that I would mention him today. He really, really is actually just a friend, we dated a few times, but he has read every word of this blog so he's toast as far as the great big toaster of dating is concerned. Besides, he popped up and burned months ago.

But...he is great friend fodder. He has been going through a divorce at the same time as I and we were in a competition to see who received their own Declaration of Independence first. He won. Damn it.

Anyway, we have told each other so many things when discussing our divorces that I don’t think we could be anything more than friends before we both go senile and forget everything that we've shared. It’s just not good to have a guy know so much about you before you really begin dating. So, we just hang out and enjoy each other’s company.

Considering that he has read every single word of this blog...if we were to start dating again, I would have to make him swear to stop reading it or else I would have to stop being so honest and forthcoming with you. I enjoy being that way and it suits my purposes for the time being so I can't date Mike. Of course, as most women should, I reserve the right to change my mind at any given time.

I’m sure that he is reading this very post...not right now...but he will be very soon. He, like so many other men, read this at work and he works very late hours. Oh! I almost forgot, he works for the government so naturally, he has quite a bit of free time on his hands when he does go in.

So, anyway, considering that he will read this within a few hours of my posting it, I should say some nice things about him.

Hhhhmmmmm...what should I say? How do you explain a man like Mike?

Well, first of all, he is bald. Not the kind of bald that makes the side of your head warm. Rather the kind of bald that happens when a man shaves his entire head, like Mike Jordan. I think that men are quietly thanking Jordan for making that bald thing popular. Actually, I’ve seen pictures of him before he started saving his head...the head shaving thing is definitely an improvement. Of course, he also lost over 50 pounds (I think) which could have made the difference in my opinion of his appearance. Oddly, he looked hideously old in the pictures that I saw of him. I wouldn't have ever looked twice if I had seen him then. I'm glad that I didn't, I would have never had such a good friend.

He also has a deep, booming voice that he attained when he worked as a disc jockey for twenty years in a relatively large city. He isn’t too tall, he’s actually a tad short. But, I'll let that one slide for his niceness.

The worst thing that I can really say about him is that, at one point, he discussed his wife far too much, it would truly get on my nerves after a while. He didn’t seem to ever talk much about anything except his ex and all the hideous things that she did to him. Whatever. He finally got over that annoying habit and now I actually really, really do like hanging out with him. If ever I need a date for a wedding or some other social occasion where I would need a dude...I could count on him. I’m pretty damn sure of that.

Of course, he is a very nice guy and we enjoy spending time together. He calls me most days and catches me up on his latest visit with his daughter. We do favors for each other. Last holiday season, I kept his keys for him so that I could go to his place and make it look as though somebody were home. While I was there, I burned a bunch of C.D.’s off of his computer. He had over 6 thousand songs on that sucker...I’ve never seen anyone with more crap on their computer as Mike has. That figures, he does work as a system’s analyst for the government. I don’t know what that is but apparently, it involves computers.

Today he called and asked me if I’d like to go out Sunday evening and I said yes. It seems as though while I was at the airport arguing with Delta this passed Sunday night, Mike was being stood up by some chick that he “met” online.

Anyway, I have to go to the store...AGAIN...as I forgot something when I went earlier.

See ya!!!


Send comments to: meg.kelso@gmail.com


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