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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Hello there!!!!

A friend of mine sent me this link to a story that I thought all women might want to read before they try to annoy thier hubby's during a football game. It seems as though this women wanted to "cuddle" after sex. Her mistake was asking for the cuddling on a night when her spouse wanted to watch sports. She should have left well enough alone...he tried to say no but she pestered him until he killed her with a hammer.


Important safety tip: Ask to cuddle once, if he says no, leave it alone. Especially when his favorite sport is on. It's hardly worth cuddling with anyone who doesn't want to cuddle back.

Also, I wanted to let you know that a friend of mine who lives in France (A blog pal) wrote me to let me know that I "inspired" him to try dating again and he is currently seeing a lovely nurse. That makes me feel so very good. I hope that they have many happy years together, or not...whatever makes him happy. I can't imagine how my story would inspire anyone to want to date again, but hell, I'm glad that something good can come out of my own personal hell.

I should say this, I haven't been sad about the psycho shithead that left me in so long that I don't even remember the last time that I cried over him. The only thing that makes me even the slightest bit angry is that between the 3 women that I've found out about, he had been cheating on me ever since about the time that my mother passed away. That was 2001 and I could have been happily partnered with a lovely man by now. That's the pissiest part of cheating, you leave a decent person at home while you go out screwing another and the decent person could be out there spending time with someone who would really love them. So, if you are cheating, be a man (even if you are a woman) and let them go! Life will be ever so much easier for everyone involved. If he had told me the truth, I would have never written about what a scum bucket he was. Things would have been easier for him, for me, for my children, for my father even.

But, as my father said, a coward is never going to do what's right, only what feels good to them. Even a coward should understand that life would be so much easier in the long run if they would do the right thing. I guess if he had done the right thing, he wouldn't be such a bum. I am actually glad that my marriage is over now. I see things much more clearly than I did when he was lying to me constantly. If only I could get over the health concerns, I could be happier than I have been in years. I shall, I promise!!!!

That essiac tea is my main hope right now. The lady who's husband gave it to me looks great and from what I understood, she was worse off than I. It's not like laetrile or anything like that, this actually has a basis in reality. I read the book and it all makes perfect sense. Anyway, the price was right.

My father and I have played bridge today, yesterday and the day before. We are going to go play again tomorrow afternoon as well. I still suck but I'm sucking less everyday! I screwed up one hand today pretty darned badly, I felt like quite the fool. My father was so annoyed with me but he can't spank me anymore so he just simmers a bit. For some odd reason, I made a bid that I expected my father to transfer (to another suit) but it wasn't a transfer bid and I was in a suit that I had no business being in. I won the auction which meant that I had to play out the hand. I did and I only went down by one trick, I shouldn't have even gotten that many. I actually might have made it if I had played the hand a little better. Like I told my dad, I won't make that mistake again! I make each mistake once and then I don't make it again. I screw up in a totally new and improved way.

In 1970, I asked my father to teach me to play bridge. he gave me a 2000 page book by Charles Goren and told me that he would teach me after I read the book. I didn't want to read a big old book, I wanted to play a game. I couldn't understand the book anyway. So, we wouldn't have been in that mess if he had taught me 35 years ago when I asked him to.

OH! There are lizards everywhere here in Florida! Last night I saw a baby lizard on my dad's balcony. It was so darn cute...I wanted to catch it but I was afraid of it when I started to get near it. I tried, but when it moved, I freaked a little bit. I wanted to catch one to take home with me. I don't know how to get it past airport security anyway. I would like to find an egg and take that home to hatch it but I can't seem to find one. I thought I had found a bunch of them outside but they were brown and the lizard eggs are white. Those brown eggs could be palmetto bug egg sacks for all I know and then I would hatch a bunch of large cockroaches so I don't want to do that. They are all outside, thank the Lord. I spoke to my granddaughter this evening and told her that I would try to catch a lizard for her but I have a feeling that I won't be able to. I grew up in Chicago and we didn't have any lizards there, just frogs. Occasionally I see a lizard in Georgia but not as often as I see them here. Not only do I see them, but I see lots and lots of them. I remember once when I was staying at a friend's vacation home in Myrtle Beach, I was sweeping her kitchen and I swept up a frog. That was icky. The baby lizard that I saw last night had huge eyeballs, I guess they don't grow, the lizards just grow into the eyeballs. If I remember correctly, people eyeballs are the same size as well. OK, enough about eyeballs and lizards.

I still haven't found my glasses, if I don't find them by the time I leave tomorrow, I will be glass-less which is not too good as I need them badly. I certainly can't afford to buy new ones so I am pretty much screwed. If you see a white Kia Sportage coming at you in Georgia, get out of the way, I am totally blind without those suckers. At night all I can see are the lights, I usually just follow the lights of the car in front of me. I'll look again before I go, but I don't have much hope, I've pretty much looked everywhere that I can look already. I lost them the second day I was here and I thought that for sure I would find them before now. Oh well, just wish me luck.

Oh, I almost forgot to tell you...the other day I received an email from one of Rick's bimbos. She thinks that just because Rick cheated on her as well, she and I are allies or something like that. I don't think so. She said that he never told her he was seeing another woman as well and that he was just going on a vacation, not leaving town for good. Yeah, right...I'll be her friend. What a nit wit. Apparently, she thought she was the one that I was talking about on this blog and that I had my facts wrong. She said that she and Rick laughed about how I had it all wrong. Nope, I didn't have it wrong, Gail Glenn is only one of the trashy women that he was sleeping with. This one knew he was married and she screwed him anyway. It took me well over 20 years to figure out that he was a lying piece of white trash and I'm not usually a stupid person. Why she, or any woman sleeping with a married man would think that the bum is being honest with her is beyond me. I was fooled by him and he wasn't married when I met him. If I were nasty enough to sleep with a married man, I wouldn't have been stupid enough to think that I was the ONE woman that he wouldn't lie to. That's just one of the many reasons that I don't sleep with other women's men. It's bad enough to find out that you are being lied to. I would never be so dumb as to think that a man who would cheat on his wife would be honest with me. Besides, I hate that karma crap, it is truly a bitch.

OK, I should spend a little bit more time with my father...we are going out for brunch in the morning and then we are going to play bridge. I'm very lucky to have a father who is also my best friend, not many people can say that. We truly enjoy each other's comapny and there isn't anyone else in the world who I can count on like I can count on him. He'll never lie to me, he is as honest a man as I have ever met. I really love him and I'm so very glad that I had him as a father...he taught me so much growing up and he continues to teach me more and more. I'm glad that I listened to him, he is such a wise man and a GOOD man as well. I was very lucky to have him in my life whe I was growing up. It's because of him that I would never lie...I wouldn't ever want him to be ashamed of me and lieing is one thing that he hates. He is 71 years old but I have a feeling that he will outlive me, he is in great shape and he looks good. I wish that he had a woman in his life as I hate that he spends so much time alone. My youngest sister is moving down here the Saturday before Labor Day and maybe she will spend more time with him.

Anyway, I think I'll go spend some more time with him myself.

See ya!!!


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