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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005


I just got back from Clearwater Beach. My father and I went out for a nice walk on the water, it was lovely. He wanted to go an see the sun set, the sky was all pink and maroon. I took some pictures for you all. Remember the last time I went to Florida? I bought a disposable camera and never got the pictures developed. I didn't because I left the camera here. So, tonight I finished the pictures on it and I put it in my suitcase so I wouldn't forget it.

I was walking along the beach and some guy told me something that I heard once before. He said, "You have legs all the way up to your ass." I responded the same way I did last time someone said that to me, I said, "Exactly where do yours stop?" He laughed so hard and abruptly that he snorted his drink out of his nose. My father caught up to me just when the guy did that. All he saw was the Coke coming out of the guy's nose. When he saw that, he burst out laughing. I had them both cracking up so hard that I couldn't introduce them at first. Eventually, I started laughing and the three of us were laughing so hard that none of us could speak. That was funny, I guess you had to be there.

The water there is almost bathtub warm. My father wants me to move here but it's so far away from my granddaughter and it's further away from my kids than I already am so I don't really want to. Also, I can't leave Georgia until my divorce is fimal. Somebody has to behave responsibly. The putz wouldn't even stay in Georgia long enough to get divorced. Last year he said he was moving to Montana after his criminal proceedings were done. I wonder how he did that when he was on probation? I think that I should find out. It wouldn't surprise me if he wasn't even in Montana. I spoke to a collection agency and they said that I could get his place of work next April, after the firast. So, he may be happy for a while wherever he is, but I'll get him sooner or later. I'm very patient that way. Once you start realizing how fast time flies, you know that you can be patient in situations like this.:):):)

I got the application for Medicaid, I can't count on him to insure me at all. I wish that I could go to work but I can't. I would love to be able to work and be totally on my own. Being a nurse, I would only have to work weekends or a couple days a week if I wanted to. But, as long as I am on heavy duty pain meds and the doctor won't release me, I can't do that.

OK, my father wants to watch a movie with me so I should hurry up and get in the living room. For some reason, he put his computer in his bedroom so if I don't write something before he goes to bed, I can't really write much at all. OH! I finally got those fake men profiles up and running only I forgot the name of the poor dude that I am pretending to be so I have to create another hotmail account and another fake poor dude at the dating site. As soon as I start hearing from the women, I'll let you know how that's going

OK, time to watch Throw Momma From The Train. See ya later!!!


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