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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005


...Now I’m bored. And as usual, I like to share my boredom with you guys. When I get bored, I do crazy things. The other day I went to traffic court with my son. As it turned out, he had his MONTHS mixed up, the court date wasn’t until November and we were a month early.

The courthouse is located on a place called the Marietta Square. It’s an historic place where General Sherman stayed on his “march to the sea” and the burning of Atlanta. There are a few museums around the Square and a Civil War Cemetery nearby. It even has a Gone With the Wind museum. Anyway, it also has a bunch of small businesses and one of them is a magic shop My son and I went in and I had a blast. I tried on wigs (I don’t know why they had wigs in a magic shop) and there was one cute wig that has me thinking about cutting my hair short. They had really cool puppets and marionettes, all kinds of stuff. Most of it was more than I could afford of course but they had a few really cheap things so I got 3 of them for less that 3 bucks. I got the old hand buzzer thing, that’s pretty neat. I haven't had occasion to use it yet, but I will soon. Another one is a bunch of little stick-like things that you stick in a person’s cigarette to make it smell really badly. The last thing I bought was a ring that has a bulb that you hold in your palm and squeeze to squirt people with water. I know they're dumb...but what the heck, I love a practical joke, no matter how lame.

I think I’ll go to that bar that where I know so many people because I used to host a comedy show there. (It's also the place that I take creeps to ditch.) I may wait until really late because then folks will be drunk and I can mess with them better. They’ll be much more befuddled when I squirt them in the face with water and it'll be easier to stick a stink bomb in their cigarettes. I can almost always afford to go to that bar. I don’t really drink much but I’ll buy one beer and ask for a glass of water, sip the beer slowly all night and if I’m lucky, some nice man will offer to buy me another beer.

DAMN! I just went to make a sandwich and the bread is gone. My son eats like a horse, no fooling. He drank all the milk, I had to eat my cereal with evaporated milk that he thinks is yucky (It’s not quite right for cereal, even with a bit of water it doesn’t taste quite right.) but at least I get to eat some cereal because he won't touch the evaporated milk. I buy it for just such occasions.

So, now I have to go to the store and buy some bread. Maybe I can put on my squirty ring and nab folks in the grocery store. You know, I’ve been very bored lately and I have to take my fun where I can get it.

One way or another, I’ll let you know what happens with my practical jokes. That is...unless someone pops me in the face in which case I could be hospitalized but I should be fine.

I cannot believe that there isn’t one man within driving distance who can come over and help me in my yard. I’d make you dinner! I’m a really, really good cook, just ask my husband...he would tell you. When my son was little, he used to say, “You’re a good cooker Mommy!” Of course he also said, “You’re a mean and nasty lady!” so who knows.

Anyway, if there is a guy (single please, I don’t want to be featured on Cheaters) who could get to my backyard and mow it, I would be a lovely hostess to him. OH! I could use a carpenter too. I used to put my dog in the bathroom for a punishment because there wasn’t any carpet for him to eat in there. So, instead he ate a 3 inch piece of the frame of the door. It’s really just a small area and it’s right at the floor so you can’t really see it, but I know it’s there and I would also be willing to cook a great dinner for someone to fix that thing. If you think I’m kidding, email me at Meg.Kelso@gmail.com and we’ll just see about that. C'mon, I dare ya.

Well, I have to go pretend like the kitchen is a mess and clean it. Then I have to go buy bread. And sooner or later, if I don’t fall asleep, I’ll tell you where I’m going so you could meet me for a drink if you’d like to.

See ya,



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