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Monday, August 14, 2006

Colleen Lombardi is after Kelly again!

She is trying to intimidate the woman who's husband she stole. This is her latest attept at harassing Kelly:


I would hate to write my own blog and post information that is not true about your mothers affairs, your father's drinking, your brothers one nightstands (yes, I know more than just his dogs name :), (Apparently she can't come up with anything that Kelly did wrong so she wants to abuse her family....Kelly's parents are dead, by the way) your name, address,phone number, cell number and your social security number (Once again, the worst she can say about Kelly is that she has a phone and a Social Security Card)

I guess you know everything. (She knows not to screw married men) I wish I was as smart as you. (It's not tough, just don't screw married men)
I asked you nicely. I asked you privately. (We saw your private, nice request...you're a bitch.) The consequence is yours. (This wopig is THREATENING Kelly and now the entire world knows it.)

Colleen (Jeez, I have decent friends who use this name, couldn't you call yourself Wopig, just for the decent Colleen's?)

First of all, let me say that this was written by the same person who has been sending me a bunch of nasty emails but she obviously has me mistaken for someone who gives a shit. I've been doing this for far too long to worry about some tramp who doesn't want her church to know that she is a pig. If I could get in trouble for blogging about the truth, it would have happened years ago so Colleen, have fun, you only make yourself look more pathetic and trashy. And, it's obvious that you are no longer happy just to have the man that you stole. Things must be sucking for the two of you or you wouldn't use your time to harasss the wife. So, we know you aren't only an adulteress, you're a miserable adulteress!

Have a nice day!



Blogger Jaded said...

It's not against the law to post the truth, but it IS against the law to make threats! Perhaps Kelly should take the email to the police and say she's being threatened by this woman.

Sorry that it hurts your delicate, church-going sensibilities to be called out for sleeping with a married man, Colleen, but that's what you're doing. And, it makes you a WHORE. The fact that you're worried about your image in church means that you KNOW it's wrong, yet you're still doing it. The man is NOT divorced, period. You give the rest of womankind a bad name because you're too stupid to see that if he lied and cheated on Kelly, he's probably lying to you as well. You deserve whatever you get. "Thou shall not commit adultery." You don't have to be the one married to do it, y'know. A whore is a whore is a whore in God's eyes.

Sorry for the diatribe, Meg. But that woman makes me wanna scream. What balls she has to sleep with Kelly's husband then further victimize her. UGH!!!!

August 14, 2006  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

You don't owe ME an apology...GO FOR IT GIRL! You're absolutely right.

The only person here who owes anyone an apology is Colleen Lombardi.


August 14, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wasn't there a Commandment somewhere about not coveting your neighbor's wife? I think that applies to husbands as well. That homewrecking disgusting whore should brush up on her bible before she goes all 'holier than thou' on Kelly. God I hate worthless trash. Yeeah, it's Kelly's fault her husband can't keep it at home, or in his pants. I only hope that pig's church is finally seeing her for what she really is.

August 15, 2006  

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