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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

An email from one of my ad dudes...

"...and if I were there your stove would be fixacated...Enjoy these... Favorite Quotes of the Day on Humor "I was under that very desk 35 years ago, and I could tell you there's barely room for a 3-year-old."- - A comment made by John F. Kennedy, Jr. during the Clinton Impeachment Proceedings
In order to share intimate feelings, you have to have intimate feelings - - Dean Martin..."

I like him already. I had written to him about the stove situation and how I have a couple of medical issues to address this week and he responded with a very sweet e-mail.

Wouldn't it be fun to live with a man who you enjoyed talking to and who didn't mind fixing stuff around the house? One with a sense of humor as well! And...knowing that sex is not an option will take so much pressure off of the situation from the beginning.

I really think that the crazy ad idea was a good one! Maybe that chick had something when she said that I should do it for other people.

When I was in jail, I wrote a poem for one of my fellow inmates to send her hubby for Valentine's Day or his birthday, I forget. Anyway, she showed it to a bunch of other ladies and then they all wanted me to write things for them. I did.

If a prisoner would pay their few possessions for a poem like that, free peole with jobs might be willing to do it too.

If you want me to, I'll write something for you if you send me an email with a few details about your relationship. You'll be amazed at how well I can understand what you're feeling and put it into words. Email me at megbkelso@gmail.com if you want me to do that for you.

OK, I have to go figure out why I'm leaning to the left and can't seem to stop myself from falling over to the side.



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