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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

I found this sentence on another blog:

"...Why the hell do people wait until they fall out of love instead of taking charge when the problems arise?..."

The problem is that when you're dealing with cheaters, they don't tell you that there's a problem in the first place. As a matter of fact, the personality type that it takes to cheat is one that does everything to avoid confrontations. So, they lie about pretty much everything that they THINK might get them in trouble. They don't give their partners the opportunity to get angry so they avoid the problem by lying.

And so what if the partner DOES get angry? They probably won't kill you. They may have the right to be angry...you should tell them the truth and let them be angry if they need to. The lying is cruel because the other person is counting on something that isn't real and that's not fair at all.

Anyway, my point is that the people who would cheat would tell you that nothing is wrong if you asked them. BUT...they will get angry and spit out all the rotten things that you've done if they got caught! OMG! When I started to figure out what Rick was up to, I was the most hideous wife who had ever walked the planet. Before that, I would ask him, "What can I do to make you happier?" and he would say, "Nothing, you make me happy just by being my wife and taking care of me."

If there was a problem, I had no clue. he never gave me the opportunity to fix it. So, yeah, you should work ona marriage. But if you're dealing with a liar, there's really not much you can do.

OK, gotta go have sex.

See ya!



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