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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Good morning!

The space shuttle just took off and I watched it, on TV, again. I'd love to drive to the launch pad and watch it but every guy who I've ever been with since the shuttle started has said the same thing when I asked them to take me to see the launch, "They might scrub it again."

Well, yeah, they might. Then we would have to hang out on the beach...wouldn't that be awful? I hate people.

I just tossed an empty thing of fish food into the trash can from 15 feet away! Damn...I'm good. I should have been a basketball player. I can throw just about anything and have it land exactly where I want it to. Since I've been living alone, I spend my time doing silly stuff like that. If I miss, I go pick up the thing I threw and then try again.

I have a few things that I do to kill time when I have nothing better to do with myself. Sometimes I actually interview myself. I'm a fascinating interview, really I am.

Sometimes I pull a drawer out, put it on the floor in front of the TV and dump it out. Then, I go through everything and either throw it away or put it where it belongs. So, my drawers are pretty organized although not much else is. Oh, my closets are organized too...but the attic is full of junk and I won't be going up there because I'm afraid of attic dwelling organisms.

That was all written on Saturday, the phone rang and I had to run. Then, this morning when I came on to write something for you, I realized that I never finished that. Sorry.

You'd forgive me if you saw the guy who called. It's pretty boy from last year. He's the one who is 6'6" tall and that I love to stand and hug...looking up into his eyes is one of my favorite things to do in the entire world. Unfortunately, I can't keep him, he's far too young. But, I do like to take him out and play every so often.

So, yesterday we did just that. We went to one of those Japanese restaurants where they cook in front of you. I ordered filet and my date had steak and shrimp. Someone else at our little counter thing ordered chicken. The chef gave all of us some of everything which was cool for everyone else because they had chicken and sirloin. But it sucked for me because I had filet. So, I got some of their chicken, but I had to let them have my filet. Somehow, that's just not right.
My date ordered Sake and asked me to taste it. I wouldn't because I've tasted it before and it was awful. But, when I tasted it, it was cold and he said you had to drink it hot...it's "totally different". Well, I couldn't imagine something that disgusting tasting good just because it's hot so I passed on the sake.

The chef was very pleasant...at least in his affect he was pleasant. I never understood a word that he said. But I did that thing that Rick used to do when I would talk to him...I nodded and giggled at just the right times without even trying to understand him. He did say, "I love America!" a lot...but that's all I got out of his chatter. He seemed to understand us, how do they do that? Why can these people with thick accents understand everything we say, but we don't understand a word they say?

We went out early so he dropped me off while it was still light out. I would have loved to have invited him in but I'm not quite sure how a lady tells a guy that she wants him to come in and jump in her bed for a while and then he can leave. I'm sure he would have been happy to oblige, he's been there before. But, I couldn't get the words to come out of my mouth. I was pretty annoyed with me. Oh well.

They say that things come in 3's and for some reason, 3 guys have called me in the past week. I haven't seen any of them for a while and all of a sudden, they're all calling me. If I didn't know better, I'd think that they got together and planned that. One of the guys was the one that Rick named in his counter-suit against me. I never dated the guy when I was married and I'm not sure if I have or not to this day. We've been out a few times, but he never makes a move on me.

I don't get that guy at all. I would just assume that we were friends but he takes me out like we're on a date and pays for everything. We've spent long evenings at his house, playing pool and ping pong in his basement, watched movies in the dark on his couch all cuddled up and he's even serenaded me with his mandolin. Everything except a kiss on the mouth. I don't get that one at all. Oh well again.

The third guy who called is supposed to call this week and I guess we'll go out soon. I hope this sex-less bullshit doesn't come in 3's as well. Of all of them, the tall guy is my favorite but he's the only one who isn't my age. That's OK for now...I just need a LIVE toy. I don't go for those "pocket rockets"...whatever the hell they are. People keep suggesting things like that when I mention how frisky I feel but I like the real thing. I think I'll call that one and invite him over here. I'll cook dinner only I'll cook it later so he will have to come over at night...maybe I'll get the nerve up to jump his bones on the couch and then drag him into my room. Yeah, that's what I'm gonna do.

But, not today. Today I want to play with my grandkids. My house is too clean so they should be here soon to mess it up. After they've been here, it pretty much takes me a week to clean the entire mess up. I don't know how in the hell I ran after my 3 when they were little.

Ok then, I'm going to go jump in the shower and get dressed for the day. You guys all have fun today, I'll try to do the same and I'll be back after the kids leave.



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