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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Friday, October 27, 2006

Hello there!

I wrote this earlier today then the puter froze and I was tired so I just went to sleep. Now I'm up again and I wanted to see if I could even remember what I had written earlier.

I like the song (at least the words...I haven't heard it yet) that JQ put on his blog (see the link in the comment section of last post). There's only one problem...even if he did "Think before he cheats", he'd be thinking about cheating on someone else. I believe Carrie Underwood is a country singer and they would be the only people who would stay with a cheater. I didn't. I'm sure Rick will think next time...he'll think of the mistakes he made last time and he'll try to avoid them next time.

Maybe he learned not to leave the phone numbers on caller ID. Maybe he learned to pull over and toss the bitch's make-up out of the car before he gets home. Maybe he learned not to leave sex lotion that he used with one woman at the home of another. Who knows what he's learned...or how much he is capable of learning.

More importantly, I have learned to trust my own gut. I won't ever let another man manipulate me into psycho-therapy for my "trust issues" when, in fact...he is cheating as much as I thought.

That's probably the worst thing that he did to me...he made me doubt myself. And then...he said that he wanted the "self confident woman that he married" back. Well, here I am...only a woman with this kind of confidence won't be doing the Rickster anymore.

I remember a time when I went to college as a single mother with 3 kids. I had 3 different day care providers who each took one of my kids. They're different ages and schools made that necessary. After all 3 kids went off to day care, I went to school. People constantly asked me how I did so much and I don't have an answer other than I put the blinders on and did what I had to do. That's what I'm doing now.

I realized a while ago that I accomplished more as a single woman than I ever did with a man in my life. That's not to say that there aren't challenging men out there...I just chose the ones who made me worry so much about the relationship that I couldn't do anything productive with my life.

When you're in a relationship, you should want to make yourself a better person for the other. And...they should support that. Not just in words...Rick SAID he supported me. But, whenever my back was turned, he was supporting his own weight on top of Gail or some other slut. So, the next time I let a man into my life, it will be one who wants me to succeed. He won't be another couch protector...he'll be a man who likes to do things with his spare time that will make life better for both of us.

Damn...I'm hot. I have my long johns on, nothing else. I hate hot...this is icky. Hot and sweaty when it's raining outside is no fun. Unless, of course, I got that way from doing the horizontal bop.

Nothing that I've written here was what I wrote earlier. I can't remember what the heck I said before. Oh well. It'll come to me.

Oh, I just got a call from one of my BF's...he's bringing me a cheese steak for dinner. I guess I should get out of these long johns and into something respectable.

OK then...off I go to change clothes and wait for dinner to be served to me!



Blogger benning said...

My ex wanted to go back to school and get her degree. I said, "Go for it!" She did for awhile, then quit. She said she wanted to take a few months off. I said, "Fine with me!" She started drinking from "boredom". She said she wanted more than a Temp job. I said, "Look for a better job! Take your time." She found one.

Now she lives with a man she met there. One who made more money than me.

I supported her right out the door, I guess. :(

November 01, 2006  

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