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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Poor Coconut dude.

I read a post of his where he discussed the need to take a group of NFL Cheerleaders who were visiting the soldiers overseas and dress them up in overalls for sensitivity sake. (http://coconutcommando.blogspot.com/ look under Previous Posts for Frequent Flyer Miles, I can't post a link that long or the blog will be at the bottom of the page. I don't know why, it just is.) Can you imagine? In WWII they hung up half naked pictures of Betty Grable and now they're dressing up cheerleaders like the mechanics of the unit. They take them out of perfectly good slinky, trashy American clothing and cover their asses up.

What the hell are they fighting for? I understand the need to be somewhat respectful but I don't see any Middle-Eastern women stripping out of their burka's...why the heck should we cover up our beautiful women? Could you imagine Napoleon telling the French hookers to bathe before doing a Russion national? I think not.

To the victors go the spoils and I say, let the cheerleaders leave their clothes off...or almost off. Don't cover up the one good reason that a man will go happily to his death...a beautiful half naked woman.

I think the men would be smarter if they let the guys at home cover up all the women. Actually, we'd put the wife's in charge of that one, If WE covered them up, our men in uniform wouldn't have to. I think that's the least that we can do for them.

So, everyone should go out and tell a woman to put some clothes on today. Do it for the men in Iraq. I'm not being sexist by talking to men here, it's just that this situation deals with men. If I catch a female soldier clothing a naked man, I will dress her down as well.

I saw films of old USO Shows, they had legs on the chicks there, why do we have to cover up the cheerleaders anyway? How on Earth can you justify that? I think we have finally found the one and only enemy who would ever have a problem with showing off a beautiful woman. How many other cultures cover up the women?

I know there are some who should. And if you cover up the cheerleaders, those are the only ones you'd have left. There are two kinds of naked....Beautiful naked and National Geographic naked. You don't want to be in a world where National Geographic is the only naked you get to see. That's pretty much the world I grew up in. We had two kinds of naked then as well, National Geographic naked and Sears Catalog naked.

Oh well. MyY computer almost crashed and I got lucky to save this so I'm gonna go play. I'll be back later.




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