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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Guess what?

I went to pick up my check and it wasn't there! They said that they mailed it and they probably did, but I never got it. It's actually a good thing it happened that way because they only had my orientation hours down and not a BUNCH of hours that I worked. So, they're fixing it this afternoon and should have my check ready the first of next week.

If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have none at all. Now, I have to work tonight and then go straight to DUI school in the morning. I don't mind being tired during the class but I obviously can't work tomorrow night so the class will cost me a few shifts but it will be over with soon. Then, I can get my license back, buy a car and then stop kissing ass for rides.

I can't wait for that to happen. I think the guy who has been helping me is worried that once I get back on my feet I won't speak to him anymore. That couldn't be further from the truth. I said before that I would pay back anyone who helped me and I meant it. But, it's almost as though he would rather have me in his debt than have me pay him back.

I will pay him everything that I owe him. That has nothing to do with my feelings for him. If he would just act like he liked me, I would respond in kind. But, he seems to act like he can't stand me and I don't understand that at all. I'm not "using" him one little bit. I have always intended to pay him what I owe him and if he would just treat me with a bit of respect, I would return THAT as well. But, I don't know what to do to make someone happy who doesn't seem to want to be happy.

This is like having the worst part of a relationship without any of the good stuff. I've never been with anyone who didn't want to be happy and have fun. That's all I want from any man, just to be happy and have fun. Is that too much to ask from a man?

OK then, I have to get ready to go to work and then when I get off, I have to shoot straight over to DUI class. Then, I will probably sleep for a day or so. But, I will pop back in and chat with you all for a bit before I go to sleep tomorrow. Have a great weekend!



Blogger Meg Kelso said...

I think you've pretty much nailed it. Can you drive a motorbike without a license? Whatever...I should be getting my license back within a week! This class is the last thing I have to do then I need to go pay some fines and I get it back! I'll rent a car if I have to!


November 05, 2006  
Blogger Laura said...

Hey Meg! I have a Harley Sportster you can buy!! I think you would look like a hot biker-momma on that Hog! LOL

Give it a thought! =-)

Sorry I haven't been around in a while...got sick, then had birthdays and anniversary stuff to deal with and work, work, work.

Sounds like you are enjoying your job so far! Kudos to you! My sister had to go through one of those DUI classes in Gogia, too...she said it was the most rediculous waste of her time, ever! But, if it gets you that much closer to getting your license back, then suck it up for a while longer...the hard part is behind you! :):):)



November 06, 2006  

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