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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Saturday, November 11, 2006


...I got out of that one pretty easily. Don't you hate fighting? Of course they never CALL it that, but that's what it is.

They call it "talking".

There's just one problem with "talking"...I won't sit back and take the bullshit that it entails. So I'm a rotten human being...you figured me out. I admit to everything. Now can we stop "talking"?

I've never understood people who felt as though they had to list your deficits and expect you to just sit there and keep listening. That behavior is totally negative, it makes me angry and when I get angry...I will shut down to the continuous, monotonous rantings of a person "talking". There's nothing to be gained by making me angry and that silly, "You need to hear what I have to say because you owe me that." is such bullshit. Not every fucking thing that a person does to annoy you has to be pointed out. You can let some of it slide.

Another thing I hate is the, "It's just me...I can't change me." Well, yes you can. Especially if you expect me to change my behavior. I'm not saying people should change totally, but some behavior modification takes place when one is in a relationship...things like fidelity and peeing in front of each other. There's no reason that a person can't learn to avoid listing your faults. That's a behavior that needs to be nipped in the budd and toot sweet.

People. Sheese.

Well, my grandkids are coming over. I won't be getting much sleep today, that's for damn sure. I HAVE to play with my babies. And...I have an insane craving for a bagel from this place up the road called The Square Bagel and I must find a way to get there. I had to take a cab home from work...maybe that guy is available?

OK...I'm off to find me a bagel.



Blogger mylifeatfullspeed said...

I'm beginning to really believe that a very large number of people just like to be selfish pricks/bitches (depending on gender). Or maybe they just get off on fighting? Or they like to hear themselves speak?

I also don't know why they insist on verbally attacking you and then expect you to sit and take it. I love it when they get all indignant when you have the nerve to cut them off and tell them they are off base or that they are *GASP* WRONG!!


November 11, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read you often, I wish you were close by to me - I think we would be great friends
Alone is good, I have grandkids also, but enjoy alone!

November 11, 2006  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

OMG...YES!!! Try to tell a fighter that he/she is wrong or even a tad off base. Then you will hear a list of your own personal shit again. The very people who would sit and list your faults are the same people that cannot imagine that they could be wrong. I cannot abide self righteous emotional thugs like that one little bit


Thanks for finally commenting! I love to hear from people, it makes me feel like I'm not wasting my time and it even keeps ME coming back! Come on and chat with us every so often!

And yes, grandkids are the bomb...aren't they? I had a great time with mine yesterday, so much so that I only got 3 1/2 hours sleep before I had to go to work.

OK then, I'll think about something to write and be back soon!


November 12, 2006  

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