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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007


...I write down a thought so that I can remember it. Of course, sometimes I forget the damned thought just looking for a pen. But I try to write it down...because I might like to mention it in the blog, ponder it further, or even write a country music song about. (And I don't like country music...it's just that everything in my life could be found in most country songs.) You never know what my mind might come up with. And as I’ve mentioned a few times...my mind is always thinking about something.

Rick would answer that bonzer womanly query, "Whatcha thinkin’?" with a distinctively testosterone-induced answer..."Nuthin.". At first I thought that he must be thinking about some whore...but eventually I realized that, in answer to that ONE question...he was answering me honestly. The man could actually sit there and think about NOTHING.

I can’t do it...I’ve tried. Well, there was this one time...I tried it so hard, that for a nano-second...I did it...I thought of absolutely nothing. My brain was literally a total blank. It scared the hell out of me. I was afraid it would stop and never start again. Rick was the only other person there so I wouldn’t have had a donor for a jump start. I will never, ever...under any circumstances pull that stunt again and I seriously implore you guys to refrain from ever stopping your own personal brains.

Anyway...what was I saying? Oh yeah...I wrote down a thought. It was a thought that I had after speaking to the person to whom I wrote about a couple of posts ago. When someone is speaking to you...especially about something serious...you should shut-up and listen. I decided that there are two benefits to be reaped from that tact.

First of all, you can observe the other person and think about what they are saying. If they talk long enough...at times they might just hang themselves. You can keep them speaking by simply repeating something that they’ve said. If they stop talking, you can repeat the last thing that they said. Close to 100% of the time, they’ll elaborate on what they’ve said so you have more time to (and this is the second benefit) think about what YOU are going to say when you finally get the chance to speak. Oh, and remember...don't speak too early...listen and think of something good to say.

OK...my break is over...I have to go back to working on the stenciling. This is fun. I love standing at the top of a ladder and painting with my arms over my head for hours on end.

See ya,



Anonymous Anonymous said...

What did the "nutty ex-wife" think of your handi-work??

Only 4 more days till "Bear Hunting" Season opens :-)

Go Colts!!!!!

January 31, 2007  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...


Oh...you should have been there! I'm going to address her reaction in a post today...it's quite a trip.

Stay tuned!


BTW....DA BEARS!!!!!!

January 31, 2007  

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