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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Friday, February 02, 2007

Today we're going...

...to the Ringling family mansion. I looked at the website and from what I saw, it seems to be quite beautiful. I can't wait to see if the nut lady thinks that the art there is any good...after all, if her measure of good art is the price of it, hers would blow in comparison to this stuff. I'll have to find some way to bring that up...semi-tactfully, of course.

I'm not indebted to her in anyway so she doesn't really like me. That's fine with me...I don't have to kiss her ass one little bit. She does want to leave me her cat, but I won't be heartbroken if she doesn't. I told her she should leave the cat a trust fund. I was only kidding but she said it was a good idea and that she would look into it. I will have to giggle immensely if she can actually do that.

My middle sister's step-son has his Bar Mitzvah tomorrow so I'll be going to that. I wonder if I could get away with giving him the game Boggle, like Elaine did in Seinfeld. I hope the food is good!

Anyway, my flight home is tomorrow night. Before I go, I have to clean the room that I used while I was here, finish the stenciling, clean the condo as much as I can and finish the laundry so that I can pack. This has certainly been a quick 10 days. The most fun I've had was meeting my blog buddy and her mother. Other than that I've just been trying to avoid angering the nut lady and that's not easy to do. She can't handle people who aren't in her will or that she hasn't given something to. I've never taken anything from her nor am I in her will so I'm not at her beck and call. The last time that I was here, I was trying to be nice to her and I took her for a mani-pedi. She bought a bottle of the same color nail polish that they used on her and now she keeps telling me that she has some of that polish left...Nut lady speak for, "Get down on the floor and paint my toenails."

Oh well. The entire time that I've been here, the weather has sucked. I've seen so many Bears flags on cars that I would think I was in Chicago if it weren't for the palm trees. I think those Chicagoans brought the weather with them.

OK then, I'm going to go get ready to go see art that costs more than the nut lady's art. I'll be back soon. Check out the pictures below and let me know what you think of them!

See ya soon!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love the stenciling. I'm jealous, I so suck at anything artsy.
Have a safe trip home.

February 02, 2007  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...


You don't need to be too artsy, the stencils are pretty easy to do...just use stencil glue and stick the sucker up there and then paint the stencil holes! Viala!!!

I'm SURE that you can do that...it's so nice and you'll be so proud of your work. The only problem is that you never want to paint the room again...ever.


:):):) Thanks for writing to reinforce my thoughts!

February 02, 2007  
Blogger Robbin said...

I think the stencil looks great and I really wanted to post to say I'm glad you are ok after the terrible storm last night, I thought of you being there. Hope you had a fun day.

February 02, 2007  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

Thanks 2 B's!

I'm fine, the tornado hit the east coast and I'm on the west coast. But...I do have an aunt who lives in Titusville, the town that was hit the worst. I don't have her number here so I'll call her when I get home tomorrow evening. But, I assume that she's OK or someone from my mother's family would have called me.

Thanks for the thoughtfulness and for the kudo's re: the stenciling, I told the nut lady that you guys all loved it...I couldn't show her your responses...she might see the "nut lady" stuff!

Oh, and I did have a fun day...as a matter of fact, I'm about to post some pics from my day. I'm so glad that someone asked me to post pics of the stenciling...it reminded me about my father's camera so I can show you the pics that I just uploaded from The Ringling Bros. Museum!!!!

I'm going to upload them right now!

Thanks again, 2!


February 02, 2007  
Blogger mylifeatfullspeed said...

I don't wanna freak you out but...you were actually less than an hour's drive from where they got blasted by some of the tornadoes last night. :D

But they are gone now (thank goodness ) I was having anxiety attacks last night every time that horrible wind would suddenly just stop blowing. Between that and the low, distant rumbling of thunder...I was sure we were going to be hit by one. I guess all that tornado education I got while growing up in Kansas City is embedded in my brain for life. When all air movement suddenly stops and you hear something like a train coming, no matter how distant...my brain starts evaluating tornado safe spots. I am now painfully aware of the fact that I have no plan. I'll be working one up with the kids tomorrow.

Speaking of kids...mine love your stencilling. You got a big thumbs up from both girls. So tell psycho-ex-wife that you got a three -artist approval on your stencil and she can just go watch her big tv and leave you alone. If need be, we can break out the big guns and get my mom to comment as well. LOL


February 02, 2007  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

Howdy lady!

Tell your kids that they have SUPERB taste and that I appreciate their approval. I was pretty sure that the design was very nice, but somehow I let people shake my confidence a tad...tell your kids not to ever let that happen to them!

I had no idea that the tornado was so close to us! I knew the weather was crappy, but I must have slept through the wind. I grew up in tornado-land as well and I remember seeing a funnel cloud as a kid, but that's the only memory that I have, the visual. It seemed to be coming down the street as though it knew where it wanted to go.

And another time, I was driving into Chicago and that emergency alert system came on...it was the only time that it didn't say, "If this had been an ACTUAL emergency..." Once again, I saw the funnel but didn't hear the train. I guess I've been pretty lucky so far regarding weather disasters...a blizzard here, an ice storm there and a couple of floods...but I was never affected any more than having the power cut off.

The nut lady is ACTING as though she likes the stenciling NOW...only because I told her how you guys all liked it. But, she won't truly appreciate it until someone that she respects comments on it. Of course, as I said before, she still won't be TRULY happy because she can't tell them how much cash she spent on it. BUT...I did tell her that it would cost hundreds of dollars to have it done so maybe she can brag about how she saved a ton of cash by letting the step-kid do the work...Cinderella style.

Oh, tell your mother that I said hello...I hope I look as good as she does when I'm her age...like the day after tomorrow, LOL.

OK then, off I am to finish the stenciling and then I'll take a couple more pics and show you all the finished job!

See ya!


February 03, 2007  

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