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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Friday, March 09, 2007


No dares? Damn...I would have thought someone would have at least dared me to flash the traffic outside my house. But, this street has seen enough accidents lately so I can't do that.

Well, this is one of those times that I really get mad at Rick for leaving. The plumbing in this house blows and whenever it rains really, really hard, the tub backs up. This time it didn't even rain and it happened. Not only did it back up, the toilets won't flush. The landlord is out of town and I had to call, leave a message and wait for him to call me back. Now that I am assuming he's on vacation, I have to call my own plumber and hope that I have enough money to pay for it. The landlord usually pays for that kind of stuff with his credit card. I'll take it out of my rent, but I still hate doing that...I always feel badly when I do. But, he trusts me so I guess I'll just do what I have to do and call the plumber after I finish my coffee.

The grandkids will be here this weekend so I have to have it fixed, not to mention the fact that I'd like to take a shower and a few other things that a working bathroom helps. I think I'll take the kids to the Aquarium in Atlanta again, I bought them (and ME!) annual passes so I can take them anytime I want for free. It's free now, but I did pay in January...a lot. They'll want me to buy some of that expensive Aquarium food and that's where I'll spend the money. Atlanta's Aquarium has the best Aquarium that I've ever seen.

Chicago spoiled me for most other cities and their cultural stuff. The museums in Chicago are world class and when I go to museums in other cities, I am disappointed. But, this is one thing that Atlanta has outdone Chicago on. Of course, someone told me that The Shedd Aquarium in Chicago has been redone...I don't know what it looks like now but the one here is da bomb. The kids had such a great time. I was taking pictures of them and they all had the kids with a big smile on their face, pointing up at some fish. I love seeing the kids so happy.

When I first moved here, I went to a museum that was so stupid that I demanded my money back and got it. I grew up going to The Museum of Science and Industry, The Field Museum, The Art Institute, The Shedd Aquarium and the Adler Planetarium. Those are such excellent musuems and they're so big that I don't think that I've seen all of any of them even though I've been to them all countless times.

My biggest mistake in life was leaving Chicago. It's such a great city and it has great food, great zoos, great everything. If Rick had told me that he was leaving for Montana, I would have asked him to drop me off in Chicago. Then, we could both be where we started. (Speaking of Rick...Hello back.)

I have to go to the doctor today and I hope I don't miss the plumber. My son asked me to stay at the house all day yesterday waiting for the check from the insurance company (from the lady he got into the wreck with) and then he came home, picked up the check and left because he wanted to take a shower at his friend's this morning. So, I'm left alone to figure this one out by myself. OH! He owes me $30...and he left without giving it to me! That kid is good.

Oh well, I'll get it later and use it to buy the kids lunch at the Aquarium.

Well, some of the trees out there are blooming already. The daffodils are out and there are buds on the rhododendrum out front. I guess that means that I'll have to mow the lawn soon. And naturally, THAT also means that I have to get a boyfriend soon to take care of my lawn.

OK...I have to call the plumber dude now so I'll see ya later!



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