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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Friday, March 02, 2007


...a couple years ago I made up some stupid story about a car running into my house. Well, if it weren't for the tree at the corner of my house, a truck would be in that bedroom, the same room I pretended the car to be in.

I heard a crash, ran outside, saw a truck wrapped around the tree and grabbed the phone and called 911. I spoke to the lady in the truck, she was very disoriented. She knew her name, it was Ashley. A cop and I got her to my neighbors front porch and sat her down. She was wearing these high heeled shoes and was very unsteady so I said, "We need to lose these shoes." But, the cop didn't help me and I never got a chance because then she wanted to see her truck and I couldn't stop her. She didn't get 3 feet before her ankle gave out and she broke her ankle so badly the bone was sticking out of the foot, which was facing the other way.

I got her down on her back and called for pillows. I crawled on top of her, wrapping my right leg around her right leg and my left leg in between her legs so the bone was off the sidewalk, and leg was stablized, she couldn't see it and I could hold her down with my arms when she tried to get up. The EMT's and cops said that it was a "smart move". It's just what I naturally did, knowing that the real help is at the hospital, waiting to fix that foot. All I had to do was keep her still until the ambulance got there.

Then, I took her cell phone and tried calling numbers on it but no one answered. I finally just gave it to her when they got her strapped down, I'm sure she's gotten in touch with someone by now. I asked my neighbor it he knew who's fence it was, he thinks it's his. His landlord is coming over because she did bring down an iron handrail, a short brick retaining wall for a garden, the post that holds up the carport and the guys car that was parked in the carport.

I started to walk away after they had her taken care of her and the cops asked me who I was. I said that I lived "there" and pointed it next door to my house. He took my number, I don't know why, I didn't see it happen. There were people who did see it happen, they were all pulling over as I was running outside.

From the looks of it, she was going pretty fast and I think that at some point she became airborne and landed in the tree. There were no break marks but a lot of stupid stuff like mailboxes, yards and small trees. I figure she had to have been going at least 50 MPH when she hit the tree, her truck was messed up. Both airbags had deployed and they stunk. I didn't know what that smell was...I asked and someone said it was the airbags. Anyway, I'm back in my house.

That chick walked away from the wreck but couldn't walk TO the truck. I knew those shoes were dangerous. I don't wear high heels because I'm 5' 8" and I don't need to be any taller. I've never learned to walk comfortably in them and now I most certainly ever wear them after seeing what happens when you fall off of one.

Now I have to go, I need to take some Xanax...I am one freaked out lady. I always deal with the situation fine and then I freak...so now I'm going to go and freak.

See ya.



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