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Saturday, June 09, 2007

I'm baffled...

...and I'm not sure exactly how to handle this. I could leave for New York today or Monday for $89 each way. If I went today, I would be able to do a bit of sight-seeing but if I left Monday, I wouldn't have to pay for 2 extra nights of hotels. Also, if I left on Monday, I would get there with about 4 1/2 hours to get from the airport to the audition. If I don't decide soon, it'll cost me well over $600 round trip. Oh well, I guess I should make up my mind soon and book the flights so that I can get there one way or another.

YIKES!!! Did you guys know that it costs hundreds of dollars to get a hotel room in NYC? What's up with that? I don't suppose they have a Motel 6 up there. Well, this is when I'm glad that my daughter works for Hilton, they own Hampton Inn and I bet she could get me a cheaper rate than $400. Damn, I sure hope she can anyway. I guess it's a good thing that I didn't book the flight days before the audition, I never expected a hotel room to cost that much.

Well, it's 6 AM and I've been up for hours and hours. I've had such a tough time sleeping lately. I would ask my doctor for sleeping pills but they always say that you shouldn't take them for more than 10 days or 2 weeks and if I took them for that time, I'd just need more later so I don't think I'll bother. I don't want to be taking sleeping pills for the rest of my life. My sleep problems have nothing to do with working nights...I've had trouble sleeping for years. Actually, working nights sort of helps...I'm so exhausted when I get home that I can sleep after working a 12 hour shift. I suppose I should have gotten up and cleaned the house all night...that would have been sort of like working all night, but I didn't bother. I just watched TV, trying to find something other than the Paris Hilton channels.

I think she's gotten the message and I doubt she'll be so dismissive of the law in the future. I know that I had my breaking point where I decided that I didn't want to go to jail or even get arrested and I imagine that this chick will take advantage of her cash and hire a limo driver the next time she gets drunk.

As bad as her experience is...it could be a LOT worse for her. They could revoke her probation entirely and then she'd have to do the rest of the time in jail. I think she's about ready to go home. There are only so many reasons to put a person in jail...punishment, rehabilitation, segregation and deterence. I really do believe that she has been deterred...I can't imagine her taking another chance of being arrested. I could be wrong, but I don't think that she will be flaunting the law anytime soon. It'd be nice if she had someone in her life who could teach her society's rules...but as with any kid who parent's drop that ball, there's always a judge around to represent society. If a parent doesn't teach a kid how to obey society's rules, society will do it itself. Paris is a perfect example of that notion.

A few more days won't hurt so I'm not gonna beat that drum, I just don't care enough. But all in all, I'd say it's a safe bet that this particular brat won't be committing any crimes anytime soon. I think she realizes that the judge isn't as stupid as the yes-people and flunkies that she surrounds herself with.

Well, I guess I should try taking a nap or something like that. Then I can get up and do some housework so that tomorrow I will be able to relax in a nice, clean house. My father was supposed to come this weekend but he had to postpone that trip because his brand new Lincoln Town Car is having the engine replaced. He has the worst luck with new luxury cars. His first Cadillac had a few transmissions in the first 6 months.

This time it wasn't a factory problem, it was a Sears problem. My father took his car to Sears for an oil change and when he drove away with his newly oiled car, the Sears peeps ran after him trying to wave him back. It seems he was spilling oil all over the place. They forgot to take an old gasket out so he didn't make it home. The engine froze up before he got there and Sears has to pay for a new one. I doubt that he'll let Sears fix it...but they will be paying for it.

He does have a rental car but with his lady friend needing dialysis 3 times a week, he has to have a car he can depend on...like his own. I'm going to see if I can find out how she would be able to take her dialysis here...it must be do-able. I can't imagine that kidney patients NEVER go on vacation.

OK...I'm off to try to catch a few winks before the sun gets too far up in the sky.

See ya!



Blogger JQ75 said...

I'd go early, if there's any delay, the trip could be wasted. And it's easy to find all kinds of things to do for a few days.

I've spent weeks there and still find plenty of neat things to do.

The big city has big hotel rates and if you find a reasonable price, in Manhattan, look out, it won't be a place anyone would want to stay in.

If you're looking to reduce hotel cost, look outside the city, maybe NJ, or one of the burroughs but you still need to be careful that its safe and decent. The subway and train service can then get you into the city.

And don't think about renting a car in the city, you have to live there to understand the traffic patterns. The subway, cab, and walking are the way to go.

I'd mention Long Island which is usually nice, but I remember stopping at one place just outside the city and it was so bad that I checked back out again.

Try HOTELS.COM or AAA or something to try to find accommodations.

The area is going to be higher priced. That's just the way it is in NYC (or any other big place (San Fran, Chicago, even downtown Atlanta).

June 09, 2007  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

It's quite the annoying little problem, isn't it? I already made the flight plans and you're right, one delay and I'm fucked. I do like to live life on the edge though...I can't wait to see how this one plays out. I am so sick that I can barely get up, I've had so little to drink that when I pinch my skin it stays pinched. I'm trying to drink as much as I can without puking. I wish my kid would come home...I need a bit of help here. OK then, back to being horizontal.

See ya,


June 09, 2007  

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