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Wednesday, June 06, 2007

More of my opinion

Life can be a bitch…

…and who would know better than one of the planet's most enormously infamous bitches of all time, the one and only (I hope there aren’t anymore like this one), Colleen Lombardi:

Well, if you google my name (and my church group, employer and my 10 year old all have) all you can see are your wonderfully flattering posts about me on your site.
Please remove my name from your blog - For my children's sake if not for my own.
Thanks Meg!

As you can imagine, that one made me laugh until I had tears in my eyes.

Even if this nut DIDN’T send the most abominably impudent emails to me on a daily basis, I still wouldn’t waste my time taking her repugnant name off of this blog. This schizophrenic psychopath has some nerve…don’t you think?

So the church has Googled your ass? Good. Now the women at that church will keep a close watch on their husbands. I think I’ve done a public service. Now, reasonable minds can certainly differ…but I’m quite fervent in my desire to do my small part in protecting decent society from the likes of this cretin. And another thing…don’t many churches excommunicate adulterous whores? If the skank offends thee, cutteth it out.

Oh, by the way…I don’t believe for one minute that some 10 year old Googled his old lady’s name. Not without prompting anyway…and if the loathsome wench was stupid enough to tell her kid to search for her despicable name…knowing what he would find…one thing’s for certain. The exceedingly hypocritical wopig is as much a failure as a parent as she is at decency, integrity and propriety.

Obviously the lunatic is utterly confident that she can manipulate me as she does married men. Evidently a visit to a therapist would be the next logical step for the societal menace. If you require any further corroboration of that certainty, consider this blog penned by the patient herself. According to this blog post, she has twin girls a few weeks old and she spends her time harassing the wife of the quasi-man that she knows is a liar and a cheat but keeps around anyway. But I doubt that this guy is so stupid as to end up with the trollup who broke up his marriage. When he's divorced and starts to feel froggy, he's gonna want to jump. Anyway, oddly, there's been no further mention of a baby. Only a true whack job would make up a fake baby. Actually, now that I think of it, it’s more along the lines of something the evil twin would do on a soap opera.

(I have to apologize for the format, I should be getting the actual link soon. It doesn‘t help that this nut has silly putty for brains and as we've seen, she‘s not the most literate adulterous whore in Airmont. )

She calls me a loser So guess what? I've decided to email her once again as a warning. If she doesn't stop her other bloggers from name calling, I will definitely file for something that can help meI wanted to thank you for the great half an hour of comedy you provided last night with the email to the parents - they think you are quite touched in the head and again, very relieved J woke up and saw the light. We did have a good chuckle over it thoughAs for Liz, Harry and Donna, well they do not work there anymore, nor does J or myself. As for Bill, he has been a dinner guest in our new home so go ahead and send it - Once again he will see you for the person you really are. The crazy attorney happens to be very happy for us (or the house plant she sent us when we moved in said so).Why do you not just admit it. You were caught with information you not have been looking at to begin with. You are picking at a scab that will never heal if you keep pickingI have nothing to lose sending this email - what are you going to do? Email my boss, call me a whore, say bad things about my ex-husband and my children? Post a map on the internet with directions to my house and say sometimes I leave my two young boys home alone? Call me a loser? Have other people post things about me that are not true? Have your brother call me names? You do not need to create a game of You hurt me and I'll hurt you - we have moved on, perhaps you should move on as well. It has been over a year now - really, move forward! It feels nice to have all my stuff in order...CeeCee 07:00I was thinking. Perhaps I should do to her as she did to meI should really email her entire workplace, just get it all out. The only problem that I have is, how can I get them to believe that she's a danger to her workplace? Perhaps I should tell them that I'm suing her and that her company poses a legal liability, since she's using her work computer. Now whether she's using her work computer or not, I have no idea. All of these times on the blogs are fucked up. However, from now on, whenever I see an entry that was made during business hours, email away!! I swear to God, I will email every goddamned person in that office. And those people cannot be so bright, I really don't think that they would know the difference. Solaris is so stupid that her times are distorted. Like the entry she wrote about me on Mike's blog on Sunday, came out to be from a Monday at 9am!! PERFECT!! Yep, as far as I'm concerned, some of her postings show that she's been blogging from work. LOL Lets she how she likes it. Now that's what I call good thinking. Tit for tat, that's all this is. How can I prove this though? ponder, ponder. It's all about her getting the other bloggers to take my name out of their blogs, then I will do this. I hate to sound mean, but no one is able to help me. Let me see how I can compose this thing. I promise that I'll have it available on this blog as soon as I send it. Here is my warning email that I am sending her in the meantime. I have logged on everyday for a year and forwarded copies of your blog postings to my attorney for the lawsuit I am prepared to bring against you. I am not sure how you wanted to spend all those new dollars you are earning every month with your internet business but I am not sure you want to spend it taking on me and my bank account in court. I am asking you to stop. My attorney has urged me to email you and ask you not to post about me again on your blog. If you do, be preapred to see me in court. It is your choice. Do you hear me Solarisgal? Ask your blogger buddies to take down their posts about me.CeeCee 07:00Now that Solarisgal has ceased blogging publicly for quite some time now, other bloggers have started to pick up for her and they've started to call me names. Well, wait until she sees what I have in store for her. Rot in hell, bitch. When I finish with her, she will be dead meat. I am a professional, I know how to handle myself. Heck, J thinks so. LOLCeeCee stbK!07:00Thinks that she can get me, but she doesn't know what I have planned for her. I am going to get her where it hurts the most. She thinks that she can post about other relationships so that I can think that she has forgotten about J, but she is dead wrong. I am going to teach her a lesson that she'll never forget. I can't get over her emailing my work place. Yes, it was one time, but I'm going to really ruin things for her. My plan is only beginning....CeeCee 07:00I am starting this blog because I want you to UNDERSTAND that although I recognize that I take blame by being with her husband, I want to get the readers perspectives from my side of the story. So, I see that Solarisgal has taken down her blog. But this does not mean that I cannot explain my side of the story. I tried to email her about what went on several times, but she didn't want to listen or read anything that I have to say. Personally, I think that it is killing her that she doesn't know anything about her husband and so she is taking it out on me. So who cares if I have started up a few blogs outlining the details of the extramarital affair with her husband on the Internet? She started this whole mess herself by emailing my boss and letting him know about the affair.CeeCee 07:00I am upset because Solarisgal wants to drag the divorce. I told her in an email that she better not even try to drag this thing out. She didn't respond to my email, but I sure made sure she read it. I accused her of posting information about my home because she forwarded credit information to my future inlaws that proves that I had an affair. So what? J is the only one who cares what his parents think. Here is my email to the geek.I can see that is killing you not to have all the details on what J is up to - It has been a year since he ended his relationship with you and I can only imagine this is a difficult time for you. Let me see if I can clear up a few misconceptions for you. It was not J's parents that financed his divorce it was me. I paid for the very expensive lawyer. We flew to Michigan with my boys in late August to meet J's parents and they were surprisingly warm and welcoming of his new family. We wanted to be sure to go and visit before I got too far along in my pregnancy - Just incase you get another email alert on the credit report from Babies R Us, we bought an additional crib and changing table for the nursery - no one was more surprised than us that we are having twin girls (due on or around May 14th) - Just incase you are worried about my tired ol' eggs, we had an amnio and surprisingly for a gal my age the girls are healthy! The parents did give him a down payment for the new minivan but I co-signed for the loan - want to be sure that our precious cargo is safe driving back and forth - Oh, we bought a bigger house together too - in the same neighborhood where our other house was - we just needed more room for our growing family. Did you want me to send you a picture of the house? Did you really want a picture of me? I am fatter than the last time you saw me but I am happy to send one if you want one - Also, if you continue to need details on your ex-husband (Did the judge grant your divorce on November 9th???) I can add you to the distribution list for the baby pictures and birth announcements We exchanged rings on the beach this summer - it was a beautiful ceremony with our families and closest friends. I can see that your emails to his sister and parents have cause quite a chuckle as you have continued to represent yourself as the "Crazy, disconnected, delusional, bitch ex-wife" everyone knows you to be - it is ok though, we all just laugh about it now. We laughed at the phone call home to Michigan - it was just further proof to the parents on how delusional and disconnected you are from your old life - you didn't have a clue then, and you don;t now. For the record? It doesn't matter whose fault it is - it is over and has been for years! J's parents have further evidence that he made the right choice to end his relationship with you as you continue to prove yourself to be very unstable. In the future, if you have any additional questions about what is going in my neck of the woods, why don't you just ask me. I have not emailed you because you asked me not to. I am happy to share it all with you if you really want to know - you just have to ask. Maybe today is a good time to get on with the rest of your life - you seemed like you were making some progress there for a while - maybe it is time to return to therapy for a little refresher, pick me up. That ought to teach her! lolCeeCee

If you’re still here…you deserve something better at this point. So, I’m gonna write a wopig free post.

Be back soon.


Wait a minute...I just realized that my eyes want to go to sleep so I'm gonna have to let them. I'll be back when I wake up...on my own, without the alarm clock going off and without my son saying, "Mom! Wake up...it's 4:30!" I'm not scheduled to work again this week but after I sleep for a day or two...I might pick up another shift.


Blogger Meg Kelso said...

Sol baby...call me. I'll be going to bed soon so call me ASAP. If you call and I'm sleeping, I just won't anser the phone because I won't hear it ringing...so, don't hesitate to call me for fear of waking me up.

Ciao lady!

June 06, 2007  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...


I just read the entire rant word for word for the first time. I had no clue how exactly how insane this nut was! Solaris has nothing to worry about, she's a normal person and this broad is quite touched.

June 07, 2007  

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