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Thursday, August 02, 2007

Good morning!

Yesterday the bed people called to say that my bed has been shipped. The guy told me that it would take a “few people” to get the bed off the truck and into the house. I asked him if the driver would be bringing a few people with him in that truck and he said, “Nope.”

But…they will call when they get close and they'll give me a few minutes to find a “few people” who have nothing better to do with their day than take my new bed off the truck and stick it in my room. I’m taking volunteers…and I’ll be serving hors d’œuvres and petits fours and of course, the beverages of your choice.

I’ve finally found the silver lining in my brain cloud…my daughter is coming to visit me. I still had that credit for Air Tran from the flight that I missed last May when I was coming home from Tampa. That paid two thirds of the flight so it just cost me a bit over $100 for the round trip ticket from LA to Atlanta. The bitch of it is that, to get the special fare, I had to make the reservations 3 weeks in advance. So, she’ll be here 3 weeks from yesterday. I haven’t seen her in so long that I’m really, really missing her. Also, the doctors said that there’s a very good chance (50/50) that whatever I have will be passed on to my kids so I want to take her to the doc to find out if she has anything funky in her brain. The docs gave me info to give to my kids and I want to make sure that they’re seen as soon as possible. So, before this month is over, I will have them seen so that I don’t worry myself into another brain cloud.

OOOHH! The doorbell is ringing…BRB.

I’m such a nimrod…I opened the door to those Jehovah’s Witnesses again. They stay away long enough for me to drop my guard and then WHAM!!!…they get their proverbial foot in the door. I told you that I have dreadful sales resistance, it carries over into poor soul saving resistance. I listen to them out of some warped sense of gracious behavior…not to fill any spiritual void. That, I could take care of with a nice warm body for the evening. Oh well, more anger directed toward Rick…he’s supposed to protect me from myself.

I was looking around the web for cheap vacations and I came across some cruises for some really, really good prices. Wouldn’t that be a pleasant way to recuperate? I’d think so. Let me know if any of you know of any really great prices for cruises semi close to my part of the planet…let me know. If the price was right, I would think that it would be a great investment in my health.

I’m quite damn sure that it would be much more helpful than the hospital was. The only good thing about that was the fact that I WAS in a medical setting…if anything else happened they could have handled it. But as far as my own care was concerned…I could have done just as good of a job caring for myself. For example, I take my Xanax every morning and then once or twice later in the day if and when if I need to take it. To them, that translated to Xanax .5 mg. three times a day. A three times a day schedule in the hospital is 9 AM, 1 PM and 5PM. I don’t like taking it like that, it keeps me tired all the time. I prefer just taking it when I need it…that way I don’t end up feeling all jello-y.

Right now I’m trying to keep my blood pressure down. Of course I take my blood pressure meds but I also stare at my aquarium. They say that lowers your blood pressure as well. The week before this all happened to me, I bought some new fish and furnishing for my birthday aquarium. I never did take a picture of the new stuff. Let me see if I can get any decent shots of the fish.




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