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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

One day I brought this little guy home with me:

I didn't know much about him but I knew that he was going to get really big really fast and that if I was ever going to control the dog, I had to do it while he was this small. He wasn't impressed with treats so I couldn't mold his personality by bribing him with Milk Bones. He didn't want any special toy so I couldn't use one of them. There was only one thing that this dog wanted then and it's the only thing he wants right now...my love. I had to get angry at him and isolate him when he was bad...and even THAT broke my heart...unless of course he had just eaten one of my shoes, in which case I was glad to lock his stupid ass in the kennel. Oh...when he ate the remote I was annoyed as well. At this point, I can pretty well trust him. All he chews up are things that don't belong on the floor. So, don't drop a pencil...he WILL eat it.

A LOT of people told me that I shouldn't have a dog that big because it would, and did, get bigger than I am. I remember walking the horse to the store one of many times. I didn't want him to bolt and get away from me so I threaded his leash through my belt hoops. That worked, he didn't get away...of course he still bolted, he just took me with him. I weighed all of 90 pounds then and he was already topping the scales at 100 pounds...of muscle. He slammed me, face first, into the fence. and then he dragged me another 20 feet before he finally figured that the people driving by had seen enough of my humiliation and he stopped. I think that dog knew that what he was doing was hurting me. There's no other reason for the way he just stopped and walked over to me. I guess he could have just been afraid of getting in trouble, but he had never done that before so he didn't really know what I would do. One way or another, one thing's for sure...he wouldn't purposely hurt me. I can't imagine what he would hurt:

I'm sure that I could have trained him to kill if I were a cruel son of a bitch. But say what you will, I would never harm a child or an animal...big people don't do that. When our kids fall in love with a cricket...we let those suckers in our homes. (EEEEWWW...I just got the shivering willies.) Did children ever witness what Vick and his buddies did to dogs up there in Virginia? Do we have to worry about one of them suffering from that experience? Just how old is a boy when it's time to indoctrinate him into the world of dog torture and mutilation? 15? 17? When do you take him aside and tell him that you have a compound in your backward totally devoted to torturing dogs for cash? (Don't you dare tell me it's a sport...I WILL spit in your face. For Ernie Banks alone.)

You surely can NOT tell a young man that torturing animals in ways too horrifying, gruesome and ghastly to be speakable is anything that a man would do. We all know what he did...at least we know enough. How much does a young man have to hear before something in his gut tells him that this is wrong...it's not a sport...it's not even manly? It's a cowardly way to make a buck. Real men show us their stuff on the playing field, and at the heads of households...and as masters of loyal dogs. Unless you take a dog and go far, far, FAR out of your way to make it otherwise...it will be the gentlest of creatures. Man has had a two way relationship with dogs for longer than I can imagine. For as long as there have been dogs, there have been people protected by them. Aren't we lucky that whomever put us all here left the dog for us? I can't imagine a hippopotamus in my house. And a duck would do no good. A skunk would just stink up the place worse than a dog does. A snake would bite you before you ever needed protection and a horse would shit all over the place. We were lucky enough to get an animal that fit nicely in the house, didn't smell too terribly bad, didn't break furniture walking through the house and didn't eat so much that we had to go to work just to feed the fools. And that animal is gentle enough to love a child. Although I wouldn't give a dog a baby, I have no reason not to give it a kitten...and trust that it wouldn't have hurt the baby either.

This dog could bite that cat's head off. But I didn't TEACH him to be cruel. In it's natural state, the dog is a loving, loyal and gentle creature. I wonder what my son would have said to me if I decided to tell him that I was starting a dog fighting ring and I wanted him to be apart of it. He WOULD put a stop to it, one way or another. I honesty believe that he'd probably call the cops on me if nothing else worked. I like to think that that's exactly what happened to Vick and his cronies...but it probably isn't.

Robb was right, our dogs are like one of our kids in a lot of ways. One very important similarity is that like our kids, our dogs should never have to face such cruelty at the hands of anyone who even LOOKS something like a man. That just makes them mean and a danger to the real men. These big dumb animals should never know of such cruelty. They should live their lives with no more fear than when, if ever, you're coming home. I wish that I didn't know of such things! We owe them so very much, some of us may not even KNOW what all we owe these wonderful animals. You'll never know about the crimes they prevented simply by being there. So, some of us have animals who are heroes and we'll never know it. I wouldn't even consider giving my dog away...I can't imagine the betrayal felt by a dog who was born, allowed to suckle and romp for a short time before it was taken and made into a mean, vicious creature. How old is a puppy when it's taken from it's mother to be turned into a freak of nature...a dog that no longer has the capacity to love and be trusted? Whose job was that?

Probably some nit wit like the one who said this:

"...They won’t tell you that the “rape stand” is actually called a “mating stand” and is used when females are in heat and the kennel owner wants specific dogs to mate with that female..."

Well...DUH! Of course that's what it's for...you idiot...THAT'S the point!!! Nobody needed to tell me that. Ever hear of a fence and a few feet to call your own during courting? If the female WANTED to be there, it would be mating. The mere fact that you needed a "stand"...or whatever it is that you strap her into DEFINES rape. I don't know of a female anything who can bear the thought of that.

This stuff is still going on. Who do you see about that? There's a guy in Virginia who didn't even want to pursue this. The man is in a position to do so NOW...now that Vick has pleaded guilty in federal court. You can never take away his status of convicted felon. Yesterday I heard a woman, in defending Vick, say that, "He didn't kill anyone!" You know, even IF we made that the legal limit for knocking heroes off of their pedestals...this woman would change her cry to, "He didn't murder anyone I know!"

There are countless people who would defend Michael Vick and I don't get that at all. This is a country where people don't wear fur coats anymore. In a room full of people who are supposed to be men, wasn't there ONE person amongst them who knew that this was wrong? How did they ALL allow this to go on for years? One of Vick's co-defendants quit 3 years ago so it HAS been going on for a very long time. I just can't stop wondering what a young man does when approached with this idea. Does he take his own pets and kill them? Or does he take animals that he doesn't know and think that makes it OK? Aren't there better men in our country for us to look up to? Men who don't commit ANY crimes? I bet there are. And...I bet if the NFL looked really, really hard...they could find them. You'll know the good guys...they'll have a healthy dog closeby. They certainly won't have torture pits in the backyard.


Blogger Eliza Doolittle said...


August 28, 2007  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

I'll give that to my dog...he's the amazing little shit that inspires me to think about what Vick has actually done.


August 28, 2007  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

Ms. Glenn, get lost.

August 28, 2007  
Blogger L. said...

First of all, I adore your pictures...especially the ones of your cat and dog lying peacefully together. Having just lost my beloved cat, I am especially touched by your photos.

Secondly, I agree with Eliza: Bravo! Bravo! How does a person do such cruelty and then live with themselves? I don't get it!

Take care,

August 28, 2007  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

Can you imagine? I'd love to see him do his time in prison watching every episode of Lassie that's ever been made. I would never do such a thing but if I ever went off my nut and did, I would send an attroney out with my apology so as not to have to be seen again in public. THAT would be what I'd like to see happen to Vick...he should just disappear into oblivion and I never want to hear his name again. Like the Egyptian's, we should strike his name from everything public.

If he EVER gets to play in the NFL again, I would make such a stink all by myself that he wouldn't want to show up. Of course, that's assuming he has a tiny bit of shame...but I haven't seen any of that from him so we most likely WILL see that SOB again.

What a shame. Anyone out there want to watch him take a snap?


August 28, 2007  
Blogger Brad said...

As the proud owner of an Akita, I too could have made him a mean and vicious menace to society, but instead he is a teddy bear. That is unless you try to hurt my daughter.

You may have just inspired another post. That is IF I can get my internet connection back up at home.

Great pictures!

August 28, 2007  
Blogger akakarma said...

Getting thrills from pain is called sadism and for consenting adults it's whatever they want I guess. But animals? That is so sick! Mr Sick Vick should be put in jail and left there as an example. I love your dog Meg!

August 28, 2007  
Blogger Determined said...

Payton is so gorgeous. I can't understand why anyone would want to torture animals. The animals they are...

What I also have trouble understanding is the fact that Ms. Glenn is reading blogs when she should be washing her bedsheets and removing the crap and the dead grass she has on her front lawn that lowers the quality of the entire damn neighborhood.

August 29, 2007  

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