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Monday, September 10, 2007

Odds and ends…

(real post below this one)

Descartes walks into a pub…the barkeep asks "Would you like a pint my dear fellow?"Descartes replies "I think not" and Poof he disappeared!!!

“…that ain’t no way to treat a lady, no way to treat your baby your woman your friend. That ain’t no way to treat a lady but maybe it’s a way for us to end…”

In the song ‘Forever in Blue Jeans’, Neil Diamond tries very hard to get a chick to take her pants off.

I cleaned the kitchen yesterday morning. Now it’s a mess. I didn’t do one single bit of the mess. That kid better clean this kitchen.

Remember that guy who I was teasing about how quickly he came? Well, this past week I beat his time (which was quite a feat). It’s been a VERY long time.

Read the list of ingredients every time you apply stuff to your body. Notice how many times you use crap with words you can’t pronounce in it. What the hell is cocamidopropyl betaine? Or sodium laureth sulfate for that matter? We rub it all over ourselves and stick some of it in every orifice in our body. This can’t be good long term.

I wish I could have company without having to clean the house. I’d rather just stay in my jammies and be a good hostess in comfort.

If I were in charge, I would pass a law that says no one over 300 pounds can have food stamps. We don’t send money to Ethiopia because of the pictures of HUGE people. Why treat Americans any differently?

There was something that I wanted to tell you…I though about it as I was putting deodorant on…now I can’t remember what it was. Shit.

Oh damn it…I’ll clean the kitchen myself.

See ya,



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