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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Years ago we were allowed…

…to tell what they called “off color” jokes. They were tacky, rude and sometimes even racist…but they were funny and nobody thought that a person was evil for telling them. I won’t tell any of them now because in this day and age…they aren’t acceptable. I can’t even tell one as an example because today they’re just considered THAT bad. But trust me…they were absolutely acceptable at one time in my life. So much so that I remember a bunch of them. I’m sure I’m not the only one who remembers those jokes and I won’t be made to feel guilty for being around when they were allowed because it was just a matter of when I was born…if I had been born later…I might not know them. If I had been born sooner, I might have owned a slave…another unacceptable thing by today’s standards.

As bad as things look in hindsight…we have to remember that people did things based on what the standards were at the time. Nowadays we allow certain things that I think will be considered evil in a hundred years from now. Actually, maybe even sooner. In my lifetime certain things went from acceptable to evil. For example, when I started nursing, doctors and nurses smoked at the nurses stations. Patients smoked in their hospital beds and visitors smoked in the rooms too. Today, you can’t smoke anywhere on a hospital campus. Hell, you can’t smoke anywhere.

But, not that long ago, there were very few places that you wouldn’t find people carrying cigarettes around. So, before you judge what people did in the past…remember this…your grandkids will consider something that YOU’RE doing quite foolish…if not racist. My bet is that sooner or later society will see Affirmative Action as the racist thing that it is. But people who espouse it today do so with the best of intentions. So, don’t throw too many stones at history…everyone looks at their ancestors as something less than they are.

Anyway, we’ve been stripped of so many subjects to make light of that it’s difficult to find a way to be funny anymore. But, on this blog…I try really hard to just blast out what crosses my mind and not stop to think too much about whom I may offend. I don’t really think of it as trying to offend anyone…I just try to be straightforward. When I come here, I pretty much refer to the men who have been hanging around my life in one form or another. Add that to the fact that one group of people that we can safely pick on IS men…and you have me being silly about tossing dicks at large dogs after I hacked them off some poor, unsuspecting man.

Now…if I ever, ever, ever was gonna do something like that…I would have done it years ago. But I didn’t. I didn’t do it to my first husband when he cheated, I didn’t do it to my second husband when he cheated…and I didn’t do it to Rick whenever he cheated. If I was ever gonna do that…I would have done it when I was really young or when Rick cheated the last time. I was the angriest then. I didn’t even Super Glue any guy’s “manhood” to his belly. I don’t ever remember doing any harm to so much as one itsy bitsy penis. But…when I mentioned it on this blog….I freaked out a reader.

I realize this reader is in the same state as I am…but I have never even seen him OR his penis. I’m quite sure that both of them are safe…at least from me.

Now, just in case he was the only penis person that left a comment but NOT the only penis person that I freaked out…let me assure you…I would not harm a hair on your dicky dick dick.

Not only have I NEVER harmed a penis…I’ve had quite a few men come back and give me total access to the equipment after they’ve already seen what I do with it. So…they trust me with it over and over again. And…I HAVE told one or two my thoughts on the Bobbitt case…and even THEY came back to let me at it again.

So, all I was doing was being silly. I don’t want anyone to think that I would Bobbitt-ize any man. I am against that wholeheartedly. I do not endorse chopping off any man’s penis. That talk was just me being silly while it was still politically correct to do so. I apologize if I offended anyone. Penis chopping is a BAD thing…I don’t want anyone to think that it’s acceptable behavior in anyway.



Solaris…I would just smirk when I made my cereal in the morning.


Blogger Eliza Doolittle said...

I don't think it counts, but I have accidentally harmed a clitoris (not, of course, my own). Piercings are bad! Don't do it!

September 05, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK, so I have to rant and rave a little bit, and while this may not be the approprate forum to do so (as you may conclude after I have finished), this seems to be the only place were I have come across people that may have a concrete opinion about my topic.

I fail to see how Americans, in gemeral, cannot understand how necessary the illeagal alien work force is a necessary evil for the economic stability of the country. While I do not condoe illegal immigration, I have an opinion: Illegal immigration is a necessary evil for the US.

I am a Mexican, who lives in Mexico, who had the privilage of being educated in the United States -- the greatest country in the world. Fortunatley, I have the economic ability to have come back to my country to try and help it prosper. But, there are millions who do not have that opportunity, and thus cross the border every year in hopes of acheiving the American Dream.

The American Dream is what the US is based on. For centuries now the country has accepted immigrants, both legal and illegal with open arms. Immigrants, regardless of their status, have always made the United States a better place. For the most part, they mind their own business, are hard working and only want what we all want: to create a better life for their family.

Most Mexicans spend their hard earned dollars in te United States, they pump many millions of dollars into the United States´economy. What they have left over they send back to Mexico to support their families. Ask any of them if they like evading the law, and most would answer that they do not, but that it is a necessary evil in order to survive.

Lou Dobbs, for one, does not seem to understand this fact. Instead of complaining about the "plague", he, like many others, should work to find a solution to the problem. Perhaps, like Canada, the US should institute a temporary worker program. Most, if not all illegals, would jump at the chance to be able to legally work in the United Staets. In fact, studies have showm that, prior to September 11, most illegals would go back and forth between the to countries, not staying in the United States for prolonged periods of time. They would go north for the season (whatever season that was) and, at the end of the season, return home to their families. In effect, they were temporary workers in the United States. Now, however, they are at more risk if they try to do this.

I am not suggesting that the US does not have a righ to protect its borders (ever country has that inherent right; nor do I suggest that the US does not have a right to protect its own labor force (again, every country has an inherent right to do this); but Mexicans take the jobs that most Americans do not want. If Americans took the jobs, then there would be no demand for the Mexican labor force, and thus there would be no need for illegal immigration as supply would far outweigh demand.

America has always been a country of immigrants, thats what makes the US a great place. Why, then, is it just recently that the US wants to shun the one item that it was founded on?

September 05, 2007  
Blogger Brad said...

First of all I have to say that I'm the last guy who would ever consider any subject taboo. If you want to talk about chopping off a penis and throwing it to a dog, by all means...do it! I will still be reading. As a matter of fact, I am much more fond of people who are straightforward and will say what others won't. I hate that we live in a PC society.

With that said...

I watch horror movies. I consider very few of them scary. If one is scary, I like it that much more. I am very fond of my penis. It has been my partner all my life. Mentioning hacking off a penis is scary to me because of my fondness of my own. I still liked the post!

With this post I feel like my penis is a rising star and becoming famous. It is now mentioned on the internet for all to see! Before long it will be signing autographs and avoiding paparazzi. It will go to rehab with Lindsay Lohan. It may end up in one of those short-lived Hollywood marriages. Do you think it will remember me...the little guy...it's roots?

Thanks, Meg, for giving my penis its 15 minutes of fame! I guess I should name it now.

September 05, 2007  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

About naming Brad's penis...hold that thought.

To answer Radio Dial Man,

I think you mentioned the current problem in your own comment. We live in a post 911 world. I grew up in an area outside of Chicago that prospered with the help of immigrants almost exclusively. My father used to say that he could always depend on the Mexicans to pay what they owed him...always. He is totally PRO-hispanic immigration but he is an old man who is terrified of Muslims. He just doesn't want to see this country change and there he's not alone. But...as Future Shock so eloquently describes...change is inevitable and it's about the only thing you can depend on. I think most reasonable people simply want the laws enforced.

And...one last thing. I have no problem with Mexicans coming here. What I do have a problem with is our government totally supporting one race of people and making them completely dependent on the government...therefore necessarily creating a class of people who can never become integrated into the rest of society. We've made too many people victims. Any group who wants to come here and work is more than welcome, I should think. It's when a group becomes a parasite on society that I have a problem with them. Healthy adults should all work. I see too many of them cashing checks on the first of every month.

I've never gotten the impression that Mexicans want to sit on their ass and collect money that other people worked for.


September 05, 2007  
Blogger akakarma said...

Did you say it's roots? LMFAO

September 05, 2007  

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