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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Monday, June 09, 2008

Uh oh...

...my bad. Vulva is NOT a perfume. It is "The erotic intimate scent of an irresistible woman..." and it comes in a "phial" which is "shaken gently. Only a tiny amount of the precious, organic substance is applied to the back of the hand..." Apparently, that's "not a perfume, it is a beguiling vaginal scent which is purely an organic substance for your own smelling pleasure...any time, anywhere".

Alrighty then.

And to the woman who emailed me and to anyone else who might wonder, I can see how it might be tough to come across. You don't really look it up in the Yellow Pages under "girl stank". Even if you found the type of store that would sell this stuff, how would you ask for it? "Do you have Vulva?"

I guess "phials" (their own word for vials) of female odor is an idea whose time came with the advent of the Internet. Men would never go to the store and buy the stuff themselves. Well, not normal men anyway. If I had known this was a plausible idea, I would have quit work and sold my panties online. I don't know how much Vulva costs but I imagine it would be a pretty penny.

Also, I would think that some guys would pay MORE for the actual smelly panties of a woman then for some fake "organic substance". Just the pervs alone could keep a girl in pretty panties and a nice living for quite some time. Hhm. (Another idea to put on my list of get rich quick schemes..the lottery doesn't seem to be paying off.)

I guess the panties wouldn't be viable for the guy to use at work. A dude just can't sit at his desk sniffing panties. But...no one would question someone who keeps his hand close to his face. You would never know he was enjoying some "smelling pleasure" as the boss is walking by.

Then, there's always the business that cheating husbands would bring in. "Oh honey, it's the Vulva...I use it at work to remind me of you!" My ex certainly would have tried that one if he could have a time or two.

But I digress.

A lady emailed me to ask where she could get some of that stuff. I certainly don't know. I imagine the web site would help so I'll get that for you.


OK...here it is but be warned, it is quite risque and potentially offense to delicate eyes...or ears, there's an awful music that accompanies it.


OK then. I've had my Pussy and as I said before, it's really quite good. I only have one more so I can't really drink it although I really do want to. I'm sucking water down now. You know, I really doubt that the Pussy will last until my birthday anyway so I guess I'll just go ahead and drink it now. What the heck.


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