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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Did you know that...

...what happened to me the other night is considered "domestic violence"? I didn't. But, that's what the cops said. I haven't yet figured out the logic behind that one but I guess the cops know what they're doing. (I almost gagged on that last sentence, and I didn't even use my mouth to say it.)

I have to admit, I almost expect a husband to be violent and I know that's considered domestic violence. But you don't expect to be assaulted when you're with a man you've known for less than a week.

It offended me the first time I prosecuted a man for domestic violence because it wasn't in criminal court, it was in Family and Juvenile Court. That just hit me wrong so I asked someone why that was and the answer was to "protect me from anyone finding out what happened" I didn't commit any crimes...why the hell would I care if anyone found out? I think it protected my ex and his reputation much more than it protected me and mine.

As if that wasn't offensive enough, now I hear that it's domestic violence to have a friend attack you, possibly poison you and then do God knows what to you. Isn't that interesting? If I had been another dude, I doubt that anyone would have attached "domestic violence" to the crime. I'm pretty sure they would have called it assault and battery and left it at that. But, since I'm a woman, it's domestic violence. Go figure.

I don't know what that term means for a crime...I would guess a lighter sentence. It certainly seems that way, doesn't it? The guy who bruised up Rihanna won't be going to jail and as much as people complain about that, Chris Brown DID get a stiff sentence compared to what I've seen. I've never seen anyone that domestically violated me go to jail. Even Rick didn't go when he violated a restraining order and assaulted me for a third time in one summer. I know he didn't get a felony rap which Brown did receive. That does mean something to the man...or it will eventually. But, the way men get away with knocking women around, I'm sure he will be having that felony expunged from his record. Geragos probably told Brown..."Just wait a couple of years and we'll have it expunged, no biggie."

Unless that psycho guy who assaulted me comes at me with a gun, knife or more of his simple handiwork, I'll probably be OK. I doubt that he'll get close enough to me and my dog to hurt me again. But there are women walking around who might just be headed for a pavement bouncing. And just like I'm someone's mother, daughter, grandmother and sister...the future victims of this creep will have people who care about them.

The legal term "scienter" comes to mind. I hope that it never has to be applied to the cops as relates to the guy who left so many bruises one me. But, now that I think of it...I wonder if he has a history of doing this? People just don't suddenly turn violent at 56.


Blogger Sous Gal said...

Not until men, en masse, let other men know that violence toward women is not acceptable, will it be dealt with as it needs.

I can't convey to you how truly upsetting it is to read that this has happened to you.

it's wrong. Mike Mallon is wrong. The cops are wrong. You did nothing wrong.

June 23, 2009  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

See...this is what I'm thinking.

Thanks chickaroobie

June 24, 2009  

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