Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.
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posted by Meg Kelso | 9:40 AM
Forget the pills. What else ya got handy? Is it like, "ER/Hospital" type pain or the proverbial pain-in-the-butt that is THE hallmark of dealing with, ahhh...."Difficult People" type?I'm sure we can come up with something if it's not "ER"-able.TW
Asinine people. I hate my existence right now.
Have some blue Pepsi.
I'm blue enough.
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Forget the pills. What else ya got handy? Is it like, "ER/Hospital" type pain or the proverbial pain-in-the-butt that is THE hallmark of dealing with, ahhh...."Difficult People" type?
I'm sure we can come up with something if it's not "ER"-able.
Asinine people. I hate my existence right now.
Have some blue Pepsi.
I'm blue enough.
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