Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.
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posted by Meg Kelso | 3:51 PM
I'll take door number one.
Mon Dieu, Ms. Meggers!Get Well Soon...or Sooner, if possible!TW
HONEY. Honey honey honey. OH I would hug you but it looks like it would hurt you.Jeebus Meg! Fucking hell.
Yes, it would probably hurt. People around here keep offering me food. Sweet of them, yes...but if it doesn't fit through a straw, I can't eat it. Sniff.:(
I can't think of anything encouraging to say that wouldn't sound like patronizing tripe.
LOLOLOL...I hear that. Thanks for not leaving it at "Yikes!" as did a friend of mine. It's actually much better but of course, that's not saying much.
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I'll take door number one.
Mon Dieu, Ms. Meggers!
Get Well Soon...or Sooner, if possible!
HONEY. Honey honey honey. OH I would hug you but it looks like it would hurt you.
Jeebus Meg! Fucking hell.
Yes, it would probably hurt. People around here keep offering me food. Sweet of them, yes...but if it doesn't fit through a straw, I can't eat it. Sniff.
I can't think of anything encouraging to say that wouldn't sound like patronizing tripe.
LOLOLOL...I hear that. Thanks for not leaving it at "Yikes!" as did a friend of mine. It's actually much better but of course, that's not saying much.
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