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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Friday, February 25, 2005

I am having a loverly day. I was browsing online for ways to make extra money, I went to Craigs List to see what they had. This is pretty much it:

A note on compensation: at the moment we are not offering any.

...stable of science writers who make contributions on a monthly basis, please contact us with a note and an attached short writing sample (~1000 words). This will begin as an unpaid position...

looking for a partner to write and share ideas with.

No pay... but venting is healthy no matter which party you favor.

**Note: This is a call for unpaid, freelance submissions.**

There were some that spoke of compensation:

Give us your wit and we'll give you our money! Five bucks for every one of your ideas that sells.

Isn’t that charming? They will pay me an entire fin for my wit. Hell, I would rather just be sarcastic towards them for free. Some ads actually had the nerve to ask for MY money. The following ad was listed amongst “Writer Gigs” on Craigslist:

Beat the system and place a $20 bet now. If anything, it will make the show more fun to watch ;)

The logic there was, if you are a writer, you must know about such things so you can “Make cash quickly!” by wagering on the Academy Awards. (I never watch that show. I rarely go to movies because I am night blind. Once I have to go to the bathroom, the movie is pretty much over as I cannot find my seat again.)

I also advertised for a room-mate. What a delight that has been. I mentioned Payton, my boxer, to one guy. I told him that I got the dog because I was kinda scared of being alone. He said, and I QUOTE, “The dog is nice. But...there is nothing like the sound of a Colt 45 revolver cocking with a round in the chamber to get rid of unwanted company.”


I told him about the dog, he couldn’t have mentioned the guns? I guess he did, but he should have “felt me out” about that one before just tossing it into the conversation. He asked me a thousand questions and raised every red flag there was to raise, to say the very least. But he never asked me this question, “How much?”

I emailed to him that I was “unnerved” by the fact that he didn’t ask how much. He replied thusly:

OK, how much? I thought it would be a bargain because we were to share duties. Was I mistaken?

Share duties? What the hell does that mean? He offered to cook for me in one email. I guess he thought I was advertising a chef or some form of live-in help. But, no, I wouldn’t give up my privacy for some whacked out cook with a pistol. I don’t want a new human. They require far too much time and effort. I just wanted help paying the bills. But the room-mates don’t want to pay and neither do the jobs. I give up.



Blogger Meg Kelso said...


So, aren't there any normal people out there? This is far too creepy. The problem I was trying to fix is just getting wierder and wierder.


February 26, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, I'm from Hungary. I have never seen a divorce-blog (maybe there wasn't any before? Who knows with you, Americans ;)) First I just ran over it, but then I came back. (I like the template you chose, btw.)
After reading for a while, I have decided to put it into my favs.
Take care of yourself and don't let anything nor anyone harm you in any way.

László, Hungary

February 27, 2005  

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