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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Good morning!

It occurred to me that any decent grandmother would show everybody pictures of her grandchildren so excuse me while I brag. Chandler is my oldest son's daughter. The little guy, Campbell, is her younger brother. His father disappeared so I adopted him as my own grandson. What a joy those two are. I am lucky enough to have them during the week right now while their mother goes to school to get a job where she can actually afford day care. I wish someone would have helped me when mine were little and I was single. Anyway, they are an absolute joy to have around even though they keep my house a total mess. I had just gotten rid of the herculon furniture and bought good stuff when the oldest decided to procreate and bring a little mess machine into my home. I wouldn't have it any other way. I had seen so many friends of mine who's kids got pregnant and they totally freaked but when the baby came, they were always as happy as they could be. So, when mine told me about the pregnancy, I decide to skip freaking out and go straight to happy. I have been happy ever since. She has finally stopped asking for Papa, he abandoned her along with everything else. It took a while. When he was here, she would want me to hide with her so Papa could come and find us. I remember one day right after he left that she wanted to hide. I hid with her but there was no one to look for us so it was kinda sad. But, she is resilient as most kids are and I imagine sooner or later she will forget all about him. I am erasing every sign of him from my life, so later on, no one will ever know he was ever here. Everyday I find something that needs to be trashed, a picture, a card that said he loved me, LOL, all of those things have got to go.

I just put Campbell down for his nap and Chandler is watching Veggie Tales which usually puts her to sleep so I have a bit of downtime right now. I think I will go and clean something so that they have a place to mess up when they are up from their naps.

See ya!!!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Daughter! Granddaughter! Wow!

Well actually that's two distinct and very different Wows...

a daddy Wow for that pretty girl in the fairy dress.

and a something-else Wow for her aunt.

April 29, 2005  

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