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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Tuesday, May 31, 2005


... sounds like an exciting weekend on the blog. I was out of town, so I missed all the unintentional comedy.

And I thought about you the ENTIRE time! I kept thinking, “Man, when Guy gets back on Tuesday, he is NOT going to believe this!” And...I was right!

Most women that I meet definitely want to be married at some point, but most seem to be more interested in being married than in who they are married to. It's like the guy is just a facilitator of the status they are trying to achieve ("married").

Sadly, you are right. There are far too many young girls who feel very insecure and think that marriage will solve all of their problems. The only answer to that is to raise our daughters with a healthy self esteem. Praise them everyday, tell them how smart, pretty, talented, they are. Tell them how much you love them and that you will ALWAYS be there for them. We should do that for our sons as well, but it’s the girls who get pregnant early or sleep with anybody who asks them.

I've also met plenty of guys who seemed to get married because they were unable to say no.

Once again, Guy, you are right. We need to raise our sons to respect themselves and women. We should see to it that they are not exposed to violence towards women, yet we have to raise them not to be intimidated by them either. That’s a fine line and a task that I am glad I am done with.

The public is fed these fairytale myths about love and romance by the television for hours on end each week, and people confuse television with reality. There's this idea that conversation will always be witty, kisses will always be passionate and the laundry will always be folded and put away.

You are so right. TV doesn’t show the wives scrubbing skid marks out of a man’s underwear nor do they show us first thing in the morning. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a soap opera where a woman says, “Damn, I am so bloated and bitchy today.” TV is what it is, fantasy. And it’s a fantasy that totally keeps out the unattractive side of relationships. There are many unattractive things about any marriage and people should think about those options in the first place. Unfortunately, the “honeymoon phase” of a new relationship doesn’t last for long. Imagine Gail’s life when that part of her relationship is over. There will come a day when she will say, “Oh my gosh, I should have listened to you.” Everything you could ever want to know about Vex is here, but she keeps on defending him. She has to. But when she gets bored of playing games on the computer and Vex gets bored with her, life will not look as rosy as it does right now. She is a perfect example of how ignorant a person can be regarding the bad side of their love interest. I’m only sorry that I won’t be there to say, “I told you so.” I guess I should be happy just to know that the broad is a nut. Not many wives get to learn so much about their husband's mistresses.

But I still think "would it have worked out?" Oh well...

Oh girl, we all think that. And the thought gets us through some pretty rough times. BUT...I made the mistake of having lunch with the “one that got away”. Not only did it remind me WHY I let him go, it totally ruined all my nice little fantasies. I think that the guy who wrote the following is more on track:

I was pretty wild in my early teens, and when I met my wife, she made me want to be a better person. Think about this about the person you want to marry, Do they make you want to be a better person? Do you make them want to be?

Exactly. You almost have to experience this before you know exactly what it means but this man is absolutely correct.

Apparently, Vex’s little nit wit doesn’t get this because she certainly isn’t trying to be a “better person” at all. She is trying to slam me with what she sees as hurtful comments but she is only making an idiot out of herself. One of her comments said that Vex left because I smoked and ate onions. We both smoked when we met and we both quit. And, THEN we got married so he couldn’t have left for those reasons. Yeah, I ate onions, but I had to kill his halitosis somehow. Besides, I don’t think onion eating is grounds for divorce.

It wouldn’t matter what I did, I could eat onions, peppers, or even God forbid, Brussels sprouts. If a person wants out of a marriage, there is a way to go about it. You don’t just cheat on your spouse until they find out and divorce you, you tell them that it’s over. Now, I realize that it takes some degree of courage and I realize that VEX is spineless, but he could have just left while I was at work. He didn’t have to stay and share a bed with me. I wouldn’t have ever been angry if he left in a respectful, honorable way. Perhaps hurt, but not angry. This blog is not in response to being left, it is in response to the lies and cheating and the violence. Vex weighs over 200 pounds and I weigh just over 100 pounds. What possible excuse could he have had for that? Gail?

Anyway, he is out of my life and my life is getting better everyday! I have a trip to Vermont this week and I am going to Australia next fall. I may go to Saudi Arabia this summer, but I don’t know if I really want to go there. And, remember, my birthday is coming up and I can’t wait to show you my present!

See ya!

Meg Kelso


Anonymous Anonymous said...


I need help real bad. I am pregnant and my boyfriend says I should have a abortion or he will leave me and I love him and I am 17. Help me please because I am scared

Don't tell my name

June 01, 2005  

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