I just watched my soap opera...
...for the first time in years. I noticed something odd going on. They seem to be changing the program into a sit com. I guess it’s just that they aren’t taking themselves too seriously. I was surprised at how many new people there were on it. In case you were wondering, it’s All My Children.
I used to have a rule that nobody could call me when All My Children was on. People who broke that rule were severely chastised. Nobody did that twice. My biggest fear was that I would die on a Friday afternoon, just after watching the weekend cliffhanger. That would be my luck. It would also be my luck that the Cubs will win the World Series the October following my death. I’ve told my kids to bet on them immediately after my funeral.
Today has been an annoying day, mostly because my dog seems to have a grave situation transpiring in his intestines. I believe I have alluded to the ghastly stench that this creature puts forth. Other than this state of affairs, he was being a very pleasant and obedient dog.
The assaults began in a very erratic manner and were pretty much spread out in time so that I could get over one before another molested me. Eventually, it got to the point that I was getting a little annoyed and I started to take it out on the dog. So, I thought it best to just put him outside. That stopped that problem.
OH! Guess what? Remember that genius who told me to get snails instead of the algae eater? Well, now I have a bunch of baby snails AND the first two are HUGE! One damn algae eater would have been easier to get rid of than a million snails. Now what do I do? All I wanted was to keep the fricking aquarium clean and I’m creating some odd eco-system here. Oh, I think I’m going to watch Lord of the Rings. That sounds like fun. Then I think I’m gonna go out...just can’t decide what to do yet. I’ll let you know when I figure it out. Before I go, I have to say, this is funny:

...for the first time in years. I noticed something odd going on. They seem to be changing the program into a sit com. I guess it’s just that they aren’t taking themselves too seriously. I was surprised at how many new people there were on it. In case you were wondering, it’s All My Children.
I used to have a rule that nobody could call me when All My Children was on. People who broke that rule were severely chastised. Nobody did that twice. My biggest fear was that I would die on a Friday afternoon, just after watching the weekend cliffhanger. That would be my luck. It would also be my luck that the Cubs will win the World Series the October following my death. I’ve told my kids to bet on them immediately after my funeral.
Today has been an annoying day, mostly because my dog seems to have a grave situation transpiring in his intestines. I believe I have alluded to the ghastly stench that this creature puts forth. Other than this state of affairs, he was being a very pleasant and obedient dog.
The assaults began in a very erratic manner and were pretty much spread out in time so that I could get over one before another molested me. Eventually, it got to the point that I was getting a little annoyed and I started to take it out on the dog. So, I thought it best to just put him outside. That stopped that problem.
OH! Guess what? Remember that genius who told me to get snails instead of the algae eater? Well, now I have a bunch of baby snails AND the first two are HUGE! One damn algae eater would have been easier to get rid of than a million snails. Now what do I do? All I wanted was to keep the fricking aquarium clean and I’m creating some odd eco-system here. Oh, I think I’m going to watch Lord of the Rings. That sounds like fun. Then I think I’m gonna go out...just can’t decide what to do yet. I’ll let you know when I figure it out. Before I go, I have to say, this is funny:

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