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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Good morning!

I was going to keep this to myself since Rick called and told me how badly his mother was doing but it occurred to me that he is a great big liar so why in the hell should I buy that? Besides, about the same time that he started calling me and emailing me again, he also stopped paying alimony.

The freak has emailed me how much he loves me, but has no plan to help me get through anything that I've been going through. As a matter of fact, I just woke up in the middle of the night feeling bad for and about him and then I realized that I'm broke and he hasn't sent alimony in a very long time. THAT'S why he is trying to get me to feel so badly for him.

I know that he reads this thing, he read what I wrote about him not keeping up his part of the truce that we had made. He wrote to me after I wrote that and wanted to know what I meant. He told me this long sob story about how he's only making $8.50 and hour, then he whined that he never heard of Gail Glenn and asked me why would I file for divorce...WHY WOULD I FILE FOR DIVORCE? The fool fucked another woman, knocked the shit out of me and then he left while I couldn't work and we didn't know what would be happening to me. Call me kookie, but I can take a hint. Now he tells me he has to work two jobs because he has to pay my alimony and insurance. Well, this is what he wanted.

I'm sorry if Gail dumped him or if his plans changed, not that I buy that for a minute. But that doesn't mean that I don't have to pay rent or buy groceries. I'm walking around with two dollars and 4 bucks on a Kroger Gift card and he decides to stop paying alimony because he has graced me with his voice on the telephone.

Damn, I almost fell for that one again. If he would have sent me the money, I probably would have bought his bullshit for quite a while. I have to try to get it through my thick skull that this bum is no good and he is a lying sack of shit.

Luckily, a very nice man is making me feel much, much better. Todd emailed me just when I was feeling as badly as I could and said that I " was more important than his bills" (something he had planned on doing before he called) and that he would be calling me sooner. Rick never considered me more important that anything.

After Rick called me yesterday, I got two hang up calls from his work phone number. My guess is he's screwing someone else at his $8.50 an hour job and they saw him speaking on the phone and wanted to know to whom he was speaking so they tried to call me twice. Either that or it was Rick himself calling me to see if I wouldn't beg him to come back. I didn't do it when he called and I imagine that got to him a bit because any other time I would have.

Well, to my soon to be ex husband: SEND THE FUCKING ALIMONY! Do it real damn soon or I'm going to do what I have to do and you know what a BITCH I can be. And, in your own words, I'm feeling a little bit froggy asshole, so I just may jump.

Damn, I cannot believe that I was that close to losing my head again. This fool doesn't call me in over a year, then he starts the contact again. A friend of mine said that Rick just wants me in his "orbit". Yep, his orbit, but not on his planet. Somehow, I've survived without him for all of this time and the last thing I need to do is speak to the fool who has seen to it that I can't afford my medications or groceries. The only reason there's food in the house now is that my daughter bought that gift card. I was walking around totally broke for a couple of weeks before I realized that all I was getting from Rick was more bullshit and no alimony.

So, Rick, I have a few things to say to you. I was doing fine before you called. I want to keep on doing as well as I was and that means that you have to send the alimony and leave me alone. I'll be going to get the divorce next week and then if I have to, I'll get an order to take the money out of your paycheck. Don't bother quitting jobs, you've already told me that the place you're working is the only place in Kalispel. Even if that was a lie and they do have another place, there can't be that many and you shouldn't burn all of your bridges. By the way, I went to that convenient store in front of Gail's trailer park with a picture of you last year. They knew you and they knew her. So, don't think for one minute that I bought that shit about you not knowing who Gail was, I just didn't want to argue with you so I didn't call you on it. I know you fucked her and I know a lot more than you think I do. How dare you tell me that the divorce was all my idea and that you never wanted it! You made the decision that you would rather pay $1, 100 a month in alimony and insurance than stay here with me until I could work again. So, pay it you shithead. And think about this, if you were to get hurt or sick, who would help you? Is there one human on this planet with enough concern for you to take care of you? I would really be surprised if there was. That's what happens to jack asses who treat everyone they meet like shit and run like hell when the times get rough. So, I pray that your life doesn't get too rough, after all of the cut backs in the 80's, they have no places for people with no one to care for them any more. Look around that nursing home the next time you visit your mother. That's where you're headed. Sooner or later, you will be sick and unable to care for yourself. That's where people who burn all of their bridges end up. Oh, and people who don't know how to work a marriage or take care of their kids, as your mother is finding out now. So, stay there and look at your own future. It's nothing that you don't deserve. Have a nice life.

Ah, well, I feel better now.

See ya, I'm going back to bed now.



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