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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Monday, March 27, 2006

There seem to be...

...quite a few ramifications from my online survey experience. I should have created a new address for that stuff. Crap. It's nothing major, just annoying. I'm amazed at the audacity of some people. I hate when company's sell my address to other people. I didn't like it when they sent me junk mail but this junk e-mail is really a bitch. It hides the real e-mails and I accidentally delete them. Anyway, that was stupid of me. In the future, I won't use my real addy when I'm playing games.

The people who sent the e-mails say that they've read the blog but if they really, really did....they wouldn't have the nerve to ask me to pay them for ANYTHING. I've said that there's no room left on my credit cards and that I only have $4.22 in my PayPal account. They all want a lot more than 4 bucks so I'm not sure what they're after. They sure the heck aren't about to get my 4 bucks.

Today I saw a commercial that outright flabbergasted me. It actually said, "Oprah is a rerun today so watch us." I swear, that's what it said. They were so completely drained of positive things that they could say about themselves that they had to sort of attack Oprah.

Now, I'm not part of the Oprah Revolution but I do recognize deflection when I see it and that station deflected attention away from their own deficits. And, in some way that I can't quite put my finger on, it took a bit of a jab at Oprah. That wasn't nice. How would they like it if she came back with, "Their anchorman stutters so watch ME."?

I like to see that most of the poll answers regarding television agreed with me...the best that they said was that TV was mindless drivel and the rest thought, as I do, that it is "meant to bring society down". It's tough to think otherwise, isn't it? I'm glad to see that so many people see TV for what it is. If I had a tool with which I could make people agree with me, I probably would use it to do so. It's tough to think that the people who DO have that tool wouldn't do what most people would do under the same circumstances. That's what makes it especially dispiriting when the journalists can't seem to remain objective. We don't have much in the way of non-partisan reporting of the current events in this country at all anymore.

When a television station can't do any better than this particular station did, it pretty much supports the other opinion, that TV is mindless, harmless drivel. It doesn't seem explicitly calculating so you can't really toss responsibility or careful deliberation on them. They obviously know not what they do.

When he was still in high school, my son had to read, and write a report on, the book Fahrenheit 451. I read the book as well so that I could help him study for the test related to it. In that book, firemen don't put out fires...they start them. They burn books because they're illegal to possess. They're illegal because something in each and every one of them contains SOMETHING that offends SOMEONE. For some sort of "mental stimulation", the equivalent of television in the book is little more than pretty images and mindless conversations.

We don't have many out and out laws against our freedom to speak, but there certainly are other very effective ways that we can shut each other up. Declaring a person's words politically incorrect is one great way to shut them up. The fear of being labeled politically incorrect keeps many a thoughtful mouth shut. Being politically incorrect is just a hop, skip and a jump away from being a racist and that's about the worst thing that you can be. What's really unnerving is the fact that you can be racist, or at least politically incorrect without even trying. (I did it myself by referring to a person as "Oriental". A very nice lady e-mailed me and told me, in a very nice way, that "Oriental" is now considered offensive. I didn't know that.) A person can't so much as REFER to color without being branded a xenophobe of some sort. That's a shame.

Couples can shut each other up easily as well. I think it's a male-trait but I'm sure that women can be good at shutting a man up. Generally, all a woman has to do is talk. Most men can't get a word in. But, if that woman so much as MENTIONS emotions, feelings or the current state of the relationship...she will be shut up...most of the time.

Rick was good at shutting me up when I would bring up any of those things, just by acting all angry. That would scare me a bit so I did just shut up. That's not a good thing because it makes you try to keep things inside and that never works. All of that crap has to come out in one way or another.

The same reasoning that you use when you're speaking of one specific person applies to society in general as well. Groups of people can be shut up in basically the same manner. You make them fear the wrath of some other group and then sit just back and wait. Sooner or later the group, like the person, will explode. You would have thought that we'd have learned that lesson by now.

By the way, here's one of the e-mails that I received in response to my post on the online surveys:

...Perhaps, you are looking for some security, a way to generate some extra money each month for you and your family or maybe you are looking to make a lot of money, retire early and truly have the time freedom you've always wanted. In any case Meg, our Home Business may be exactly what you have been searching for. Let's go to the following website and find out together...

I must admit that this lady is pretty good at what she does and, she's quite persistent. But, I'm not sure what part of DIRT POOR and BROKE she isn't getting. She wants me to send money to someone who won't be giving me so much as a gallon a milk for that money.

There's one e-mail that sounded quite concerned for me and my plight and empathized sweetly up to this point:

I know how it is; I used to stay up all night searching for ways tomake money on the Internet, reading one website after another...For many months, this continued. I almost gave up...Until I discovered this website...

I should always check the bottom of e-mails for the following sentence that I found on the bottom of the above e-mail:

This message is a solicitation.

Like the chicks in jail that seemed so bright and resourceful, I have to wonder what these folks could accomplish if they spent their time more productively.

Oh well, I suppose I could get a bit productive myself. I'll be back later.



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