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Friday, April 07, 2006

Cynthia McKinney is still beating the racist drum...

...as are her people. I am only beginning to work on this subject. I have listened to my last cry of racism without striking back. If we as Americans, of all colors, don't start standing up for ourselves, this problem is going to get worse and we will have no one but ourselves to blame.

I had a discussion with a lady of color yesterday and she is as sick of that crap as I am. She said that minorities will never garner true equality as long as there are those who make a living off of playing the race card and accusing every white person who has a neck of being racist. We have sat back and allowed this to escalate to the point where it is natural for some people to cry racism at the first sign of trouble...whether race is involved or not.

Over the past few decades, decent white people have bent over backwards to do whatever it takes to heal the injuries caused by whites years ago. Only a true racist would deny that people of color have been treated in some of the most hideous ways known to man. Only a totally ignorant person would deny that people of color have contributed to making America the great nation that it is today. Only a complete moron would deny that people of color have had to climb up much steeper hills than white people have had to climb in their efforts to claim their own piece of the American dream.

Affirmative Action and efforts like it are only some of the actions that America has undertaken in an effort to level the playing field. Although nothing can be done to erase the injustices of the past, America has made tremendous strides in the right direction. But, it seems that the more Americans do to help make up for the dreadful treatment that people of color have had to endure, the more some want, expect and even demand.

Rather than offer explicit solutions to the problem, far too many people have chosen to cry racism whenever the going gets tough. This type of behavior is creating racists out of people who would have never had a racist thought in their life. There are actually people who would say that a white person who so much as dares to broach this topic is a racist. That is, of course, hog wash and has absolutely no logical basis.

I have received numerous emails from people regarding the recent posts that I've written regarding the subject. Here are a few of them:

I am sick of CMcK_..what a bag of hot air.
She is in politics for her gain and no one elses_..I expect Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton to appear alongside her any day.
She is truly a witch!

...with the McKinney incident, what can you expect...just ignorance, no class and arrogant behavior, it always proves that you can take her out of the ghetto, but you can't take the ghetto out of her.

I have never been a racist and it offends me when I hear black people constantly talking about white folks being racist....

I was never a racist but I must admit, the way that all of the black people assume that whites are racist and they blame every problem that they have on racism I am starting to feel racist. I am only being honest about my feelings so don't think Im a bad person...

...I was raised to look at people for what was inside of them and not at the color of there skin. It makes me mad when I hear people using the race card...

...Your right. White people are getting mad at always getting called racist...

I think that when that Congresslady used the race card, she hurt her own case...

...I must admit to having bad feelings towards black people when I hear them blaming everything on race...

And then, one reader took the time to write this:


For 150 years, the best and the brightest have worked and sacrificed to convince the American people that Americans of African descent are and will be good and capable citizens, qualified to participate at every level. Abraham Lincoln and Booker Washington, Martin Luther King and John Kennedy, Senator Ed Brook and Lyndon Johnson, Branch Rickey and Jackie Robinson, Thurgood Marshall and Colin Powell. After decades of marching and bloodshed, burning crosses and sit-ins, three steps forward and two back, we have created a society where we lean over backwards to make room for everyone who wants to share in this great nation.

Blacks are accepted in every trade, profession, sport, public office and educational facility. This acceptance is often given only grudgingly. But is it given. Why? Because so many blacks have proven themselves to be at least the equal of the whites who once shunned them. And along comes Cynthia McKinney. The worst nightmare of any thinking black person. A hate filled buffoon who poses as a black leader while she repeatedly drags blacks back into the position of ridicule and antipathy.

No rational person can excuse her recent conduct. Her colleagues in Congress are considering ethics charges against her. The city prosecutor is preparing criminal charges. The security guard has retained an attorney to bring suit against her for slander. It may be fun for some people to thrash about and call people racists, but it is fun with a price.

We have created a legal theory known as hate speech. Accusing someone of racism surely qualifies.McKinney has long been known as a not-too-bright loudmouth. Her recent actions have guaranteed that this information is now known across the nation. I predict that the name McKinney will become a new word in the English language, and it will mean a minority representative who represents the worst characteristics of his or her ethnic group. And every black elected official will be tainted by it. You can hear the, "I told you so's" from everyone who was reluctant to give blacks their rightful acceptance.

Blacks are not all Stepinfetchits. But, how do we prove it to the doubters as long as blacks continue to elect McKinneys? To support McKinney is to support unreasoning racism. How long can we afford to support her?

I knew that I wasn't the only person who was getting sick of being called racist. I think that it's time to call a spade a spade...the use of the race card IS racist in itself and America must stand up once and for all and put a stop to it. The racial intimidation is not right and it does no one any good, least of all, people of color.

Email me at megbkelso@gmail.com if you have any comments to add.



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